“Alexis.” “Alexis.” “ Alexis!”
“Huh? Oh, what?”
This is how the start of a conversation usually goes between me and my husband if I’m reading a romance novel. For some reason when I delve into a great romance, I don’t hear anything. Many people may not find this surprising, but for me, anything that requires concentration requires silence, pure, uninterrupted silence. Whether I’m writing, preparing class, or going over my budget, I need complete quiet, no music, no lawn mowers, no people talking in the background.
But when reading a romance novel, all bets are off. I can read in the airport, the doctor’s office, standing in line waiting to buy tickets to the ballet. I can even read in front of the television. I start off by reading during commercials and before I know it, I’ve missed the last half of the movie!
Does anyone else experience this complete shut out of the real world while reading a romance? Or is my experience just a little out of the norm? Please, do chime in on this. I’d love to hear if you find romance novels as riveting as I do.