Perhaps it’s not so much the setting but the hero.
I’m fond of Civil war heroes, ne’er-do- well peers of the realm who have been redeemed by the love of a good woman, pirates who were someone else in another life, but I always seem to come back to those cowboys. Perhaps it’s the hat, or the spurs on the boots my heroes wear, or the fact that most remain as untamed as the Wild West.
I’ve always been a big fan of John Wayne so maybe that’s why I love westerns so much. Perhaps it’s because I live in Arizona, where just seeing the landscape can bring those images to life. All I know is that reading a good western satisfies something in my soul.
What about you? Are you fascinated with cowboys? Or pirates? Southern gentlemen who are not always so gentlemanly? The Lord who must choose a wife though he doesn’t want to marry until he finds that perfect someone? Whatever your choice, there’s plenty to choose from lining the shelves of your local bookstore. Take your pick and….dream.
Happy reading!
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