I’m very excited to have Happily Ever After Thoughts’
very own Marie Patrick with me. She was so sweet in her introduction of me. I
am thrilled to return the favor :-) Plus, she is giving away a copy of her latest release A SCANDALOUS WOMAN.
Lexi: Hi Marie, I can’t believe it, but your fourth
book, A SCANDALOUS WOMAN, is coming out Friday!
I got a sneak peek of this story and absolutely loved it! It was so much fun. You must tell our fans
what this story is about before I spoil it all.
Marie: I know!
I can hardly believe it myself. My fourth book! Wow! And I’m so glad you liked
it, Lexi. As you found out in your sneak peek, Jovanna “Joey” Darling, is a
rather unconventional woman….some might even say scandalous. Joey doesn’t
believe she should conform to the rules of 1898 Galveston polite society and find a husband
simply because she is told she must. She’d rather work for her brother who runs
the Darling Security Agency, but not as a bookkeeper as her father believes.
With her flair for disguises and accents, Jovanna is one of Darling Security’s
best operatives, although her involvement in solving crimes is kept secret.
Braeden MacAllister, love not only hurts, sometimes it can kill, a fact he
learned at a young age with the death of his parents. He keeps his heart under
lock and key, so to speak. Raised by his aunt and uncle, he has been groomed to
take the reins of MacAllister Enterprises and when his uncle passes
unexpectedly, he is named president, but he has a problem – someone is out to
ruin him. Or kill him. Or both. When he seeks the services of Darling Security
to stop the robberies on his newly purchased and renovated railroad, he has no
idea exactly what he will be getting. In fact, it is quite more than he
bargained for.
Lexi: I love that Jovanna is so good at her job, especially when women were just beginning to assert their independence. Wherever did you come up with this story?
Marie: The
honest truth? I have no clue. Usually, I remember exactly how the idea came to
me….witnessing a beautiful sunset, visiting a museum, seeing the shimmering of
the pavement on a hot summer day or seeing something on the History Channel
that sparked my imagination. For A
Scandalous Woman, I cannot, for the life of me, pinpoint when the idea
hit me or what I was doing. I knew I was in the mood to write something fun and
light and A Scandalous Woman, I think, captures that, but it’s not all fun and
light. There’s some serious tones in there too.
Lexi: I’ve been reading your posts for awhile now
and I noticed that you have a rather large To Be Read pile. How do you find time to write, read other
books and work your fulltime job? Basically, when do you fit it all in?
Marie: Since I
don’t have a magic wand and the shoemaker’s elves don’t visit me, it can be
difficult sometimes “to get it all done”. Actually, hanging onto my sanity can
be difficult, but I manage (I think). I very carefully schedule, allotting so
much time for this, so much time for that. For the writing part, because I’m
better in the morning, I get up at 4:30 and write for an hour and a half each
workday morning (longer if I can squeeze it in). Yup, just me and the dogs
stirring at that hour. For the pleasure
of reading? I read before I begin work. Because I hate to be late for anything,
I’m generally fifteen minutes early so I read (and there’s always a book or my
Kindle in my purse as well as a notebook because one never knows when
inspiration will strike). Oh, and I read during my lunch break too, and just
before bed…actually, any time I have a few minutes. Somehow, all the things I
need to get done, do.

Lexi: I get the feeling that you may have a lot more energy than me :-) What do you like the most about being a
romance writer?
Marie: This is
going to sound like a contradiction and it is but….I like the fact that I can
control my characters or the situation. As we know, sometimes, there is very
little control in our lives. On the other hand, I absolutely love it when my
characters surprise me and go full steam ahead, usually in the opposite
direction of where I wanted them to go. Believe it or not, they have done this
quite often over the past couple years. And I love the happily ever after,
especially when it makes me cry.
Lexi: A little birdie told me that you just
celebrated your 32nd anniversary. What do you think makes true love work?
Marie: Oh,
that’s such a difficult question as it’s different for everyone, Lexi. What
works for one couple may not work for another. Personally speaking, it’s a
combination of things. Compromise is big on my list, so is accepting each other
for who and what they are (yes, this is one of the more difficult things to
do). Trust and respect are also on my list. And laughter. My husband makes me
laugh, even on those occasions when I don’t want to or have nothing at all to
laugh about. Lastly, and in my opinion only, one should be friends with their
spouse. Even if I wasn’t married to him, we’d still be best friends because
he’s funny and sweet and generous but above all else, he’s a good man….and I
think I just came up with another idea…..
Lexi: Excellent! We want more stories from you. What can we expect next? Do you have
any works in progress?
Marie: Do I
have any works in progress? You’re just joking with me, aren’t you? At last count, I had thirteen works in
progress. All in various stages from a simple two or three line blurb/idea to
several chapters written (I know, I’m a
little nuts, but when something comes to me, I have to write it down or I may
lose it). Right now, I’m trying to finish a Civil War story I’ve been working
on. I do have a completed manuscript that recently came in first place in the
historical category for the Hot Prospects Contest. I’m very excited and happy
about that!
Lexi: Congratulations on your contest win! Hopefully, we will see that story in print soon. It has been awesome to be able to chat with
you. A SCANDALOUS WOMAN was so much fun, I can’t wait until your next release.
Thank you for being my guest.
Marie: And
thank you for having me. It’s always a pleasure! Welcome to HEAT, Lexi!
Lexi: For a chance to win Marie’s A SCANDALOUS WOMAN,
be sure to leave a comment for her. And
don’t forget to include contact info in your comment in case you win.
Lexi: Check out this excerpt from A SCANDALOUS WOMAN
The reception room of
Darling Security seemed more like a gentlemen’s club than a security agency.
His feet sank into the plush green, red, and black Persian carpet covering the
floor. Dark wood paneled the walls. Gold lamps spread a warm glow throughout the
room. Clustered around a mahogany table were several chairs, upholstered in
rich burgundy velvet. Draperies the color of the chairs framed two large
windows, beneath which rested a long camelback settee.
the corner of the room stood a large mahogany desk set at an angle. Fragrant
steam rose from a cup beside the telephone on its polished surface. Two large,
comfortable chairs were set up in front of the desk for easy conversation.
in all, the room was inviting, warm, cozy¼and
No answer.
stepped toward a door at the opposite end of the room. The portal had been left
open, just a crack.
“Hello? Is anyone here?”
Braeden grabbed the knob and started to pull. The door
swung open, almost hitting him in the face. The muscles in his body tensed as
he stepped aside but relaxed once he saw the shapely bottom backing through the
morning,” he murmured, his curiosity piqued.
A startled cry escaped the woman as she whirled around.
The armload of files she carried flew from her grasp and hit him squarely in
the chest. They exploded on impact. Sheets of paper created a miniature
snowstorm as they floated to the floor.
rumbled in the near distance—or was it his heartbeat? Lightning flashed. Rain
pattered against the window. Braeden found himself drowning in the most unusual
eyes he’d ever seen: not green, not blue, but a curious mix of the two. Flecked
with gold and fringed with dark lashes, they sparkled with an inner light.
I’m so sorry.” Her soft voice floated over him like fine mist. “I didn’t mean
to accost you with my files.”
smiled as he stared. Her hair, a rich, vibrant flame, had been pulled away from
her face haphazardly, as if she didn’t care how she appeared as long as the
glossy tresses were out of her way. Two pencils held the bun in place but
several tendrils had escaped. Cobwebs created a sort of mobcap on her
would her hair look like if I removed the pencils and let the fiery locks fall
down her back?
smile widened as the corners of her mouth twitched. Her porcelain skin glowed with youth and
vitality and her cheeks turned a delicate shade of pink, which highlighted the
smear of red ink on her nose. A smudge of dirt covered the tip of her chin,
subtle hint of her perfume tickled his nose. Jasmine. No, gardenia. No, not flowers. Something
fresher. The scent floated around him, tantalized him and he inhaled deeply
before he mentally shook himself to break free of the spell this dazzling witch
had cast on him. “No harm done, Miss. Let me help you.”
crouched down together to pick up the papers and knocked heads. She lost her
balance and fell on her behind with an unladylike “oomph”. Heat seared through
his veins when her skirt lifted enough for him to see slim, dainty ankles
covered by white stockings.
apologies. Are you all right?” Braeden tried not to stare at the sight of her
legs and the lacy petticoat hiked up to her calves. He accepted the fact he was
a cad as his gaze traveled the length of exposed leg.
looks like we’ve gotten off on the wrong foot.” He grabbed her hand to help
her. A warm tingle raced from their hands through his veins and settled
somewhere in the pit of his stomach. He almost released her, but tightened his
grip instead.
gasped as his fingers entwined with hers and he lifted her to her feet.
Does she feel this strange
tingling, too?
we should introduce ourselves. Braeden MacAllister.” He anticipated the shock,
the rush of warmth coursing through him, when he touched her again. He reached
for her hand and brought it to his lips.
I’ll be damned.
He chuckled to himself, a little confused and more than a bit intrigued as an
undeniable energy crackled between them. Startled by the powerful sensation,
Braeden drew in his breath as his belly tightened, his muscles tensed and his
heart pounded in his ears.
eyes opened wide and he knew she’d experienced the same bubbling rush as he.
Darling.” Her eyes twinkled merrily in her pink face. “What can I do for you,
Mr. MacAllister?”
knew what he wanted her to do for him. She could take down her flaming red hair
and let him run his fingers through its weight. She could press her tempting
lips to his. She could . . .
Lexi: Don’t forget to
leave a comment if you would like a chance to win this great story, A