Today I am giving a sneak peek into PASSION OF SLEEPY HOLLOW
which won’t be out until 2014. When this scene opens, Braeden is asleep. The
rest is obvious ;-)
Always, Lexi
Cold. Braeden rolled onto his back. Something itched his
ass. He scratched at it, but the dominant feeling was cold. Blindly, he reached
for the quilt he had crawled under when Kat left him and grasped nothing.
It must have fallen off the bed. Damn. Opening his eyes reluctantly, he stared up at
the night sky, the stars twinkling in the crisp autumn air. “What the fuck?”
He sat up and stared. His ass itched because he was lying on
grass. Where the hell was he? Had he been kidnapped while he slept? Slowly, he
stood, surveying the area for any threat, but all he could make out in the
darkness were trees and grass, the crickets loud enough to give a person a
“Shit.” No wonder he was cold. There was frost on the ground
and he’d been lying on it naked as the day he was born. Seeing his pants
nearby, he quickly put them on along with damp socks and his boots. Where the
hell was his shirt?
Since it was black, he might never find it, but his bag
stood out like a lone rock in a flat meadow. Burrowing into it, he pulled out
another t-shirt and his suede jacket. Once clothed, he grabbed his car keys and
pushed the small flashlight on the ring. Sweeping it around, he found his cell
phone and Rolex. It was only half past midnight. He hadn’t even been asleep two
“What the hell is going on?”
No one answered him, but the crickets kept chirping. The
sound of an owl in the distance added to the night, but other than that, he
didn’t sense a single human in the area.
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