Which got
me to thinking. There are always scenes in movies, as well as books, that are
so well done, they make you laugh, cry, sigh or even gasp…case in point, the
movie Australia….Hugh Jackman (be still my heart) spends much of the movie
looking kinda scruffy (but oh so gorgeous) but in this scene, he meets the
heroine at a dance and he is ALL cleaned up and…well….I couldn’t stop myself. I
actually gasped. In front of my DH, who had to ask if I was okay (and no, I
couldn’t explain why I gasped, just that I was all right….and did I replay that
scene when he wasn’t around….oh, you bet!).
Forgive me,
I have once again digressed. I was talking about favorite scenes. In The Legend
of Zorro, it’s when Antonio Banderas and Catherine Zeta-Jones dance, which is
wonderful, but my favorite scene from that movie? The sword fight in the
stable. Loved it.
Dances with Wolves….actually no stand out scene….the entire movie is fabulous (as was the book), but if I had to pinpoint one scene, it’s when Kevin Costner and Mary McDonnell are at the river and she says “I am in mourning” before they start kissing.
Bueller’s Day Off? Who can say that the scene where Ferris Bueller is on the
float during the parade and he sings Danke Shoen as well as Twist and Shout
isn’t their favorite?
Magnolias has that heartbreaking scene at the funeral when Sally Field breaks
down but when Olympia Dukakis grabs Shirley MacLaine and says “Here! Hit
Weezer!”, you laugh even though you’ve been crying. You just can’t help
And in
Pretty Woman, my favorite scene (and it’s not the happily ever after scene
which may surprise you) but the one where Richard Gere and Julia Roberts are
going to the opera. He shows her the necklace then snaps the lid of the jewel
box closed and she gives out that burst of surprised laughter. Did you know
that scene was never written into the script? It was an adlib by Richard Gere
but was so perfect in its execution, Garry Marshall kept it in.
So, I’ve told you some of my favorite movie scenes….what are some of yours?
As always, happy reading (and movie viewing!)
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