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Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Unexpected Eden by Lexi Post

What is better than an erotic romance taking place in a jungle on the planet Eden?  Or should I say romances as Serena and best friend Toni find themselves whisked away to the planet Eden by three gorgeous, stark naked men.  Serena was taken earlier than planned, but an incident in her life made it necessary.

Sandale, Jahl, and Khaos have planned for years to take their beloved, Serena, to their planet and woo her into bonding with them.Pageflex Persona [document: PRS0000030_00038]

Not all goes as planned.  Sandale is thought missing and dead after the girls’ arrival, which leaves Jahl and Khaos to figure out how to convince Serena to stay on Eden forever and also what to do with her friend who arrived by association.

Jahl and Khaos have problems of their own that they don’t realize and until they correct themselves, there’s no way Serena can love them fully.  Granted, sexual satisfaction is better than she could have imagined or dreamed.

Serena also has ties on Earth and it’s hard for her to consider cutting out her former life.

I wish I could’ve been with Serena as she lived in the trees, swung vines with naked men, and had all the loving she could ask for.  I’d have to bring my husband along, but on Eden that would be expected!

Just imagine a hot and steamy jungle with naked men who only want to please you…a definite read to bring you into the summer months.

Happy reading,


Monday, April 27, 2015

Erotic Takeover by Tina Donahue and a Giveaway

He’ll unleash her indecent desires…in the most provocative way possible 

Working for a celebrated photographer of lush nudes, many with BDSM themes, isn’t easy for Jodi. She’s full-figured, wholesome and longing for Mac, her bad boy boss. His shaggy hair, wicked tat and total hotness make her dream of ditching her work as his assistant to get down on her knees as his eager sub. If he’d only notice her.
    Who says he hasn’t? As laid-back as they come, Mac can’t get over how uptight Jodi is around him…like he might bite her. Not what he has in mind. Her guileless nature and voluptuous figure do dangerous things to his self-control.
    Lucky for him a client’s request has Jodi finally yielding to her sensual nature, because Mac’s fully prepared to dominate, demanding her submission, delivering punishment. In other words, an erotic takeover.


    True to his word, Mac didn’t touch her in any inappropriate places while he strolled the aisles, pulling boxes and cans off the shelves, reading the ingredients as if he’d never done anything like this before.
     Jodi suspected he hadn’t, finding her life an adventure he’d never had to face. For someone like him, it was a fun challenge to budget money, clip coupons, search for all the specials. At least until it became a bore, which would happen eventually.
    Her heart cramped at the thought that this would be their first and last grocery trip together. Never had she wanted him more. He was so damn hot and adorable. Like a little boy with his first puzzle, trying to put all the pieces together.
    Bent at the waist, Mac studied the store labels beneath the spaghetti sauces. Each showed the cost-per-ounce comparison between the brands.
    Two middle-aged women reached past him for their choices. He apparently didn’t notice.
    They stared at his luscious profile then gave Jodi the once over, dismissing her as though she had nothing to do with him. She could read their thoughts in their expressions—a hottie like him surely wouldn’t be with someone like her.
    Sighing, Jodi checked the time. They’d been here forty minutes already. Mac looked as though he could go all night at this.
    “This one,” he said, tapping the bottle of Prego. “It’s three cents cheaper than the other—wait, I think we have a coupon.” He checked his iPhone and beamed as if he’d just inherited Garner’s. “Fifty cents off. Awesome. I’m adding it to your shopping cart.” He put the Prego in her basket. “Where’s the cheap wine?”
    “We can’t have spaghetti without booze. What kind of cook are you?”
    Jodi lifted her shoulders, her mind stuck on how he’d said “we”, as though they were a couple…or maybe just friends. That had to be it. Mac had fun when he was with her, just as he would with a guy, with the added bonus of sex.
    “You can’t cook?” he finally said then sighed. “Looks as if tonight’s on my shoulders.”
    “You’re going to make a meal for us?”
    “Sure. How hard can it be? If I hit a problem, I’ll Google it on my phone or call Joe.”
    She frowned. “Who’s Joe?”
    “The chef at Garner’s. Great guy. He can talk me through anything.”
    Jodi laughed. “You do know there are cooking instructions on the packages.”
    Mac picked up the box of spaghetti. His eyebrows lifted as he read the directions.
    God, he was beautiful when he was clueless. “Do you eat out for every meal?”
    “Nope.” He tossed the box back in her cart. “I get delivery or takeout sometimes.”
    “You don’t even have coffee at your place?”
    “There’s a Starbucks less than a mile away.” He leaned into her and murmured, “That’s why God made them, for guys like me.”
    Wow, he really was a virgin at this. Tonight was going to be something.


I’m an award-winning, bestselling novelist in erotic, paranormal, contemporary and historical romance for Kensington, Samhain Publishing, Ellora’s Cave, Siren Publishing, Booktrope, and indie. Yay! Booklist, Publisher’s Weekly, Romantic Times and numerous online sites have praised my work, and trust me, I’m forever grateful for that. I’ve had my books reach finals in the EPIC competition, one title was named Book of the Year at a review site, and others have won awards in RWA-sponsored contests. I’m actually featured in the 2012 Novel & Short Story Writer’s Market. Talk about feeling like a freaking star. Before my writing career, I was the editor of an award–winning Midwestern newspaper and worked in Story Direction for a Hollywood production company. Outside of being an admitted and unrepentant chocoholic, I’ve flown a single-engine plane (scary stuff), rewired an old house using an electricity for dummies book, and have been known to moan like Meg Ryan in When Harry Met Sally whenever I’m eating anything Mexican or Italian. Yeah, I like to eat (burp).

You can check me out here – yes, I am everywhere!  :-)

Amazon author page:
My page at TRR:
EC Author Page:
Samhain Author Page:
Sweet ‘n Sexy Divas:
Romance Books 4 US:

Friday, April 24, 2015

Unexpected Eden Released, Giveaways, Party!

Unexpected Eden
by Lexi Post
Series: The Eden Series, Book Two
Genre: Sci-fi Erotic Romance
Release Date: April 24,  2015

Join the Facebook Party to celebrate the release of 
Unexpected Eden!
Friday, April 24 ~ 7:00pm - 10:00pm EST

Pyrotechnics expert, Serena Upton, wonders if she’s been transported into one of the science fiction movies she works on. It certainly seems so when she’s rescued by three hot, naked men from another planet. She’s whisked away to Loraleaf, their home in the jungle of Eden, with the expectation that she will become their beloved. As they cater to her in every way, she begins to understand what it means to be their chosen one.

Jahl and Khaos risked everything, even the brother of their heart, to bring Serena home, but grief and self-doubt, etched in stone by their own families, seems insurmountable. Their only hope is that she can fill the void in their lives. They succeed in sweeping her up in their erotic passion, but they are unable to capture her heart.

Though Serena cares for Jahl and Khaos, she’s convinced she’s not the answer to their damaged souls. It’s better that she return to her family on Earth before she cares too much. That is, if she doesn't already.

Khaos dropped Serena’s hand, the emotions roiling through him difficult to contain. No one ever asked about his family. He moved away from her, unseeing. The pain he kept buried daily rose up and closed his throat. Family was not a comfort to him but a source of anguish. The image of his mother’s gaze as she looked at him with disgust and fear flashed through his mind and he balled his fists.

Desperately, he forced himself to swallow. Don’t let her see your shame.

“Khaos?” The touch of her hand on his shoulder sent a shudder through him. She was happiness and love. Everything he craved to give her. He couldn't let her see he wasn't worth hers in return.

He should turn around. Smile at her. Not yet. She’ll see it in your eyes. He forced his fingers to relax and crossed his hand over his chest to grasp hers. Soft. Delicate. Some of his stiffness eased. “I didn't know you were close to your family. Do you miss them?”

Her other hand rested on his arm. “Sometimes. Well, mostly when I’m afraid or unsure. They’re like a comfy blanket. You know, a safe place.”

He closed his eyes as he envisioned what that might be like. Serena wrapping him in her arms was the image he envisioned. His lips twitched and he turned toward her. “I hope you consider being with us a safe place too.”

“I do now. At first I wasn't so sure. I mean, you came out of nowhere. But you saved me and you've welcomed me into your home. I’m very grateful.”

He stared into her round amber eyes, so large for her delicate face and so honest. He wanted more than her appreciation. He touched her cheek hesitantly, watching for any sign of withdrawal.

She turned her face into his palm and his heart skidded in response. To love her, touch her everywhere, would be paradise. He wanted her to look at him with need.

She broke away. “I think we should get to work, don’t you? We have a few items on our to-do list and Jahl, Toni and Sandale could arrive at any moment. We don’t want to be caught with our pants down.”


She looked at him, her gaze wandering down the length of his body, causing a rush of blood to flow to his groin. Her gaze stopped on his stiffening cock.

She swiftly raised her eyes to his face. “Never mind. Let’s just try to focus on what we need to do.”

He allowed himself a crooked smile. That he distracted her sent a warmth around his heart. Maybe Sandale was right. Maybe he could be worthy of her.

Book 1: Cruise Into Eden

Lexi Post is a New York Times and USA Today best-selling author of erotic romance. She spent years in higher education taking and teaching courses about the classical literature she loved. From Edgar Allan Poe's short story “The Masque of the Red Death” to Tolstoy’s War and Peace, she's read, studied, and taught wonderful classics.

But Lexi's first love is romance novels. In an effort to marry her two first loves, she started writing erotic romance inspired by the classics and found she loved it. Lexi believes there is no end to the romantic inspiration she can find in great literature. Her books are known as "erotic romance with a whole lot of story."

Lexi is living her own happily ever after with her husband and her cat in Florida. She makes her own ice cream every weekend, loves bright colors, and you will never see her without a hat.