This blog is for those 18 and older.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Welcome Autumn

         Ah, September!
         We are heading into my favorite time of year. Autumn! The temperature becomes much more pleasant after the scorching Phoenix summer (I seem to wilt a little more each summer….those triple digit temperatures are tough and getting tougher, though my sensitivity to the heat could just be those wonderful hot flashes!). At this point, who can tell the difference? But I digress….
         As I mentioned, I live here in Phoenix where we don’t really have a change of season—here, we have hot, hotter and Oh My Gosh, are we living in a blast furnace?—but it doesn’t stop me from remembering (and longing for) those shorter, cooler, fabulous Fall days. Raking leaves then jumping in the pile, that wonderful tang in the air that still (even though I’m so much older) reminds of the first day of school. Bonfires at my high school to cheer on the team for the football game the following day against a rival school. Hay rides and the Fall carnival. Walking along tree lined country roads, collecting beautiful scarlet and gold leaves to press in my memory book. 
         The best thing about cooler temperatures is cuddling up in a comfy chair, afghan thrown over your legs, drinking a cup of hot chocolate or tea or coffee and reading. Doesn’t have to be a new book… could very well be an old, treasured favorite.
         Yes, I love this time of year and it all begins with the Labor Day holiday. I actually took a few more days off from my day job, turning my three day weekend into a five day mini vacation. So what have I done with my time off? Well, I made a big batch of spaghetti sauce (complete with meatballs and sausage), bought myself a new pair of sneakers (had to…my old ones were over ten years old…oh my gosh! These feel like I’m walking on a cloud….my feet have never been so happy!). I cleaned and I wrote (I’m working on Book 2 of the MacDermott Brothers series) and I read (yes, curled up in my DH’s chair…no afghan over my legs…it’s not cold enough for that yet).
         So what’s your favorite time of year? And what book do you curl up on the couch with when the weather gets cooler?

As always, happy reading!

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