This blog is for those 18 and older.

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Happy 2016

Happy New Year!

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas filled with family and friends and your favorite things (yes, I’ve had my glass of eggnog and more than my fair share of turkey with all the trimmings…oh, and cheesecake. Can’t forget the cheesecake….I only make it twice a year but it’s worth the wait). Thursday is New Year’s Eve when we welcome in 2016 and say goodbye to 2015.
          As I do each New Year, I look back at the goals and resolutions I made for the year past and see what I’ve accomplished and what I haven’t. There’s a lot. I'm still so very grateful for all the good things in my life (and I try not to dwell on the not-so-good things). I tried to be kinder. I think I was, even when it was hard to be, but the jury is still out on that. I still haven’t lost those pesky pounds I wanted to (you know how that goes….you start off really good on Monday and by Thursday, well, you messed up and ate more than you should have so you set a new goal for the following Monday….yeah, it’s a never ending cycle and I seem to lose the same five pounds over and over again. I just need to try harder). I am still counting my blessings because I consider myself blessed. I accomplished one of the things on my list from 2015…I finished A Kiss in the Shadows, which came out in October. I did not start AND finish another story, but I did start Book Two and hope to have it finished soon (and I did not give up when the going got tough. Wait, what am I saying? The going is tough but I’m working on it).
          Now, the most important part of this blog….my wishes for you, gentle reader, in 2016. May you have good health and good fortune. May you be blessed with people who cherish you and may you find that perfect story that touches your heart.

As always, happy reading and Happy New Year!

Friday, December 25, 2015

Merry Christmas and Bad Tattoos!

Woo Hoo!  It's Christmas, folks.  Well, I know ya'all are very busy having way too much fun today, so I'm going to keep this short and sweet.  First, let me wish you all a very...


I so hope that Santa brings you everything your little heart desires...and then some...maybe some stuff you never knew you always wanted!

Then I'm going to tell you that the Butterscotch Martini Girls got a bit carried away this week on their Blab talking about Bad this Bad Santa Tattoo.  Really?  Who does that to Santa?  Anyway, when the morning gift-shredding is over and the kids are outside playing with their new bikes, trikes, and archery equipment (which my grandsons got this Christmas), be sure you pour yourself a cup of spiked Eggnog and click on this link to watch the nonsense we dug up on bad tattoos. Some of it is pretty damn funny.  

Well, that's my story, short and sweet, and I'm stickin' to it.  Hang on tight now, 'cuz we're gonna go real, real fast.

Love Ya and hope you all have a magical Christmas!Kayce

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Pleasures of Christmas past by Lexi Post

We all can think of pleasurable moments in past Christmas’s, but it’s even more welcoming when these memories come alive and can continue to help many.

Jessica Thomas, a former social worker in her living days, has the opportunity to help a widowed woman by taking the woman to her past Christmas’s.  Jessica plays the spirit guide and is mentored by a Scottish spirit guide, Duncan Montgomerie, who assumes he will have to save her from mistakes in her first spiritual attempt.LexiPost_PleasuresofChristmasPast_BandNoble_400x600'

Lexi Post has an ulterior motive as she pens an erotic message through a beloved classic.  Not only do Jessica and Duncan have a mission to help the lonely widow carry on with the rest of her life, but unknowing to the spirit guides, the guides need some help of their own.

Jessica’s problem:  She cares too much.  Can that be possible?  For a spirit guide it can be.  Duncan needs to keep her within bounds.

Duncan’s problem:  He loves women.  I should actually state that he loves the sexual relations in many spirit guide bonus positions.  Duncan needs to feel emotional love, not just the physical. 

Pleasures of Christmas Past is an exciting and seductive matching of spirits and problems with and ultimate goal of helping all to have a happy ending!

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Melting Point priced at 99 cents!

For those who have stuck with me these last few years and for those who have just discovered my books and are ready for the next big adventure, I wanted to say thank you by discounting my new romantic suspense novel Melting Point, which will be released on March 4, 2016. From now through Christmas preorders will only cost 99 cents. Once Santa's gone, the promotional price will take off with him. So, what are you waiting for? Your next adventure is just around the corner.

The Brenner family business had a secret. A secret that only Morgan Brenner knew. She was diligent to make sure it remained that way. She alone had followed in her father’s footsteps, knowing that if she was ever found out the repercussion would be terrible. But if she didn’t continue, the outcome would be deadly. To protect her grandfather, her sisters, and the family business, she continued, knowing that every day she stepped closer to ruin.
Liam Hayes had one mission: Infiltrate Brenner Metal Works and search for incriminating evidence. Because of his background in metal, he was the perfect choice. He thought it would be easy. Getting the grandfather to hire him was a snap. Then he met Morgan Brenner. She blocked him at every corner, making it clear he was not welcome. Quickly pegging her as the prime suspect, he made it his mission to discover her secrets.
Liam is determined to find out why Morgan is frequently called to Las Vegas and follows her, putting them both at risk. As events quickly unravel, Morgan finds her only chance of survival is to allow Liam in. But can she trust him? The only way to free themselves from the danger they face is by working together, something neither of them ever wanted.

Friday, December 18, 2015

Lexi Post GIVING AWAY Lots of Prizes!

I have had so much good news already this season that I'm celebrating by giving away lots of stuff!

First, I'd like to congratulate Teresa Fordice who won the $200 gift card from the Romancing the Holidays Facebook Party I threw to celebrate the release of Christmas with Angel.

But don't worry because there is another big rafflecopter I'm invloved with that has a ton of prizes including a grand prize of: $15 in GCs, 16 books, 2 sets of earrings, 2 audio books, a bath gift basket and 2 swag! And that's all for one person! Plus there are 9 second place winners as well! To enter, click below.

Second, I'm at a number of Facebook Parties this month where I will be giving away a bunch of different prizes! Just click on the links to join in the fun :-)

Nov. 25th - Dec. 2nd: Tina Donahue's Christmas Bash - I bop in around mid-day and post a contest or pick a winner. 

Dec. 12th - Dec 23rd: 12 Days of Christmas Party - I'll be there Dec. 20th at 9:30pm EST for 30 minutes so stop by if you have a chance :-)

Dec 12th - Dec 24th: 12 Days of Cowboy Christmas - I drop into this party with a giveaway almost every evening, but there are a bunch of authors in there all day long, every day, so give it a try ;-)

Dec. 28th: Ring in a Cowboy Release Party! - This party starts at 10am and all 9 of us authors will be giving away prizes throughout the day to celebrate our new box set with all new novellas! Don't miss it! 

That's all I have scheduled so far ;-) I hope you can join me for a few of these. I just love celebrating the season with my readers :-) Good luck!

Always, Lexi 

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Research Pays Off!

      As you all know, I am a creature of habit and routine. It’s the only way for me to get everything done that I need to get done so a few weeks ago, I was thrown into a minor tizzy (or perhaps, it was a major tizzy). You see, I’ve been wearing the same perfume for the past thirty or so years. Cachet by Prince Matchabelli. I suppose one could say it’s my signature scent. Everyone should have one, in my opinion and I love it when an author uses scent as part of the story line.  
       Last year, at this time, I went on Amazon and ordered two bottles. Cost me a little over thirty bucks and it was delivered within a week. This year, I went to do the same thing, but lo and behold, I was in for a surprise. Found the perfume, no problem, however, there was such a difference in price that my eyes bugged out of my head and my heart started palpitating (picture every cartoon you’ve ever seen!). Curious as to why, I did a little digging and learned that Cachet has been discontinued!   
Oh my gosh! What was I going to do? I wear this fragrance every day!
This is where my love of research came in handy (after, of course, a mournful period where I lamented the loss of my signature scent). I went on line and found the top and base notes of my no longer made Cachet then did further research to find which perfumes currently on the market have most of those top and base notes. You would be surprised how many! I made a list….
…and took myself off to Ulta (fabulous store!) and did a little more research. Ulta has little white strips of cardstock where you can spritz a scent to see if you like it. Well, this is a wonderful idea; however, after a few spritzes, I couldn’t smell anything (I’m very sensitive that way….the detergent aisle at the supermarket makes my eyes water and my nose clog up) BUT they have coffee beans in little containers….take a few whiffs of that and wow, I could smell again. After doing this for a bit by myself and becoming nose-blind again, a lovely young woman offered her help.
Not only was she sweet and kind and understood my dilemma, she was also very knowledgeable and helped me limit my choices to a few. I took all those cardstock samples home—my purse smelling like the inside of a very expensive bordello—for the ultimate test—the DH. There were two he liked, but of those two, he liked one better (the jury was still out for me). The next day, I went back to Ulta and actually sampled the perfume he liked. No, it didn’t smell like my beloved Cachet, but it was quite pleasant—soft, warm and subtle, as perfume should be.
I have now bought a bottle of that perfume and I hope I’m able to wear it for a long time to come. And you know what? I never would have found it if I hadn’t relied on my love of research!
What’s your signature scent? Or are you one of the lucky ones that any perfume smells wonderful on you?

As always, happy reading (and researching!)

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Good Sam

I apologize for the late post. I thought today was Saturday. It is not. Sigh.

I recently read Good Sam by Dete Meserve. It's a cute romance mystery set in LA. The first person voice is of a news reporter covering a story on Good Sam. Dete does a great job telling the tale and it feels as though she knows what she's writing about.  A lot of good inside information and lingo. If you're interested in the book, act now. It's on sale for 99 cents and I'm not sure how long the price will last.

After years covering murders, disasters, and tragedy for Los Angeles TV news, Kate Bradley knows that violence and cruelty are everywhere and that good is hard to find. When she is assigned to cover a story about ten people who have each found $100,000 in cash on their front porch, Kate is intrigued by the anonymous Good Samaritan, dubbed Good Sam, who is behind it all. As interest in the extraordinary gifts sweeps across the country, Kate finds the elusive Good Sam and her exclusive interview with him thrusts her into the national spotlight. Even as his message captivates viewers and wins ratings, Kate suspects he may not be all he claims to be and that the real Good Sam is still out there. Searching for answers, Kate unravels the powerful and unexpected reason behind the mysterious cash gifts and the true identity of Good Sam becomes the biggest surprise story of her career, turning her personal and professional life upside down.   

Friday, December 11, 2015

Please Say Yes!

Okay, The Butterscotch Martini Girls blabbed this week about bad wedding proposals, so I dove back into my old archives and dragged out this blog I did a couple of years ago.  So after you read this, be sure to follow the link at the end to watch this week's blab...there are lots more great (and not so great) proposals.  And you do NOT want to miss seeing Dani Petrone's wedding pictures...they are a HOOT!!!

Okay, while looking for funny stories about typos or grammatical errors, I ran across some OMG bad wedding proposals!  Did you know there are dozens of bad video and pictures of marriage proposals gone bad?  How embarrassing!  Imagine the poor schmuck who has found the love of his life (or thinks he has), only to be publicly humiliated when he goes down on one knee to propose.  And what I have found is that there are as many creative ways to turn a man down as there are ways to propose.  Well, before I get too far into it, let me just give you some of my runner-up favorites for bad ways to propose.

First, there’s the guy who uses a can of spray paint to tag a fence…probably his girlfriend’s parents’ fence.  Won’t daddy be proud of HIS little girl’s choice?!  I think not.  This guy thought he was being creative………uh, not so much.  Run, girlie!  This guy’s gonna do 3 years for defacing expensive public property, and then he’s gonna graduate to torturing kitties and ultimately go to the big house for murdering his wife in her sleep…you DO NOT want to be her…JUST SAY NO!

Then there’s this one.  I can’t decide if the guy’s trying to be cute or is just a bad speller and doesn’t own a dictionary or Google, or have a friend who can spell.  Perhaps there should be a rule that men have to have direct supervision when planning a proposal that’s more than just kneeling at the dinner table with a ring box in his hand.  Dude, there's an "A" in marry!  This proposal is for an entirely different type of event.  Points for the flowers, though.

This girl gets props for trying.  She obviously has figured out that the sports event love-cam is the way to get her man’s attention.  (You have to know your target audience.)  But, honey, you gotta hold the sign right side up…… can’t give them too many outs.  I can see this ending up in divorce court.  “But, Your Honor, I didn’t know she was asking me to marry her.  The sign was upside down.  I thought it said, “Would you like a bratwurst?”

This one I love because of it’s simplicity.  This man obviously knows Shineka’s weakness and he’s not above exploiting it.  I hope she said yes because I’d love to know that this one worked!  LOL

Okay, this one could be at the top of the heap for bad ideas…Facebook, Really? 

But the details behind this, when you really dig a little deeper, show that this guy is really one lucky bastard.  His girl was taken back at first, but then she was smart enough and creative enough to find a way to make lemons out of lemonade.  She says yes, but with the caveat that he’s got nuthin’ to say from this point forward about how much time she spends on the computer…after all, that’s how he got her.  Hmmm…I think this guy is up for a lifetime of being out-maneuvered.   Shoulda thought that one all the way through, dude!

This next one is just really creepy to me and I think you'll understand why.  I just don’t think I want to be laying on an examining table shivering in a paper gown with cold steel equipment shoved up my vijayjay and have some yahoo (no matter how much I love him) hold up a diamond ring and ask me to marry him!  

WTF?  Really?  Good thing they make you take your shoes off for a pelvic exam or that dude mighta found a 4-inch spike heel up his left nostril.  Ick!

Okay now, I’m really torn over this next one.  I think it’s sorta cute that the guy went to all this trouble and I will give you the link to the video too so you can see it in live motion.  He seems really sweet and sincere and it’s kinda cute until you see the panic on the girlfriend’s face.  He scared the living bejeebies right outta her and if I’m her, I’m not sure he’s gonna live past today.  That better be one big ass ring!

And this one just boggles my mind because…well, just because.  I almost have no words for this one.  I don’t know how any man in his right mind could think this is a good idea.  The guy proposes by peeing the message in the snow.  Not cute, not pretty, not classy…and yet, she probably said yes.  I guess love truly is blind!

Unfortunately, this last one is very sad.  But if you are as twisted as I am, you will laugh…I guarantee it.  There is that split moment when the girl’s reaction just makes you guffaw, right before your heart plunges in sorrow for the poor young man.  But I’m sure it served to make him a stronger man, perhaps a better chooser of women in the future, and he’ll choose a quiet and private place next time…without the train and without the musicians, or maybe just singers who aren't holding weapons.  LOL         

I hope you enjoyed this little stroll through marriage proposal land.  Guys, there are some lessons to be learned here about what to do and what not to do.  Girls, I think there is something to be learned from the way a man proposes…and it might be your very last chance to make the right choice. Choose wisely!

Now head on over to watch as the Butterscotch Martini Girls blab about weird, unusual, and bad wedding proposals.

That’s my story, holy cow hinky and you gotta be kidding weird, and I’m stickin’ to it.  Hold on tight now ‘cuz we’re gonna go real, real fast!

Love ya,


(My thanks to Grace Murano at 12 Hilariously Bad Wedding Proposals for the pictures used in this blog.)

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Her lucky Cowboy by Jennifer Ryan

Time for some cowboy romance as I know a lot of our viewers can’t resist the rugged toughness of a blue jean clad, hat wearing, and hotty cowboy on a horse! 

Dane Bowden not only knows how to ride a horse, but he’s a champion bull rider.  His last contest in Las Vegas before retiring from this rigorous sport lands him in the hospital with critical injuries.

Bell, an unknown neighbor to Dane, saw the accident in the ring and jumped from the stands to save his life.  Bell is a renowned surgeon and knows the right moves to heal his body, but she’s an amateur at relationships.Product Details

Dane has a line of women at the hospital, most names he doesn’t remember or care to, to wish him well and hope he wants to share his first prize money. 

Bell’s upbringing proves a conflict for her in accepting Dane’s interest in her.  Bell was hidden away as an unwanted child.  Her intelligence got her into medicine, but, yes, some women remain virgins well into adulthood.

It’s a tricky ride for Jennifer Ryan to match the over-sexed cowboy and the virginal and shy young woman, but their pasts are a big part of how they find love.  A teacher always needs a student! 

Happy reading,


Monday, December 7, 2015

FREE BOOK by Becky McGraw through the end of 2015! Hurry!


Hope For Christmas the novella that launched Becky McGraw's Cowboy Way series is FREE through the end of the year at Amazon US ONLY because they won't price match internationally, but it's FREE GLOBALLY on Barnes & Noble, iBooks and Kobo so you can still get it if you're in the UK, AU or CA. The rest of the series is available on those outlets too.

Cord Dixon, Mr. Laramie in the world of western clothing modeling, loses his job because he refuses to sleep with his female boss. Christmas is coming, and his bills are due so he takes the only job he can find. A mall Santa. 

Socialite wedding photographer, Hope Carlisle’s life disintegrates when she ruins the wedding of the year. In one fell swoop, she loses her best friend, her business partner and her fiancé. Unemployed and needing a job fast, Hope takes a job as an elf photographer at the local mall. She is not looking forward to her new job until she meets her sexy Santa. 

Individually, Hope and Cord’s lives seem to be a hopeless mess, but with the magic of Christmas in the air, they work together to reclaim their lives and find love in the process.

Hope For Christmas was originally included in the holiday anthology Santa Wore Spurs. This novella launches The Cowboy Way series.

Buy Links:

Amazon US - ONLY:

Friday, December 4, 2015

Thanksgiving is over....but I'm still thankful!

Thanksgiving is over (*sigh*). It’s my favorite holiday because I'm so thankful for so many things! My son has gone back to Texas (the dogs are exhausted! So am I!) and the house is back in order but it’s good to know that all my cleaning and baking and cooking resulted in a successful dinner. Now, I count a dinner successful when people push away from the table and reach for the top button of their pants with a groan (unlike those who thought ahead and wore elastic waist pants). I have a rule….if you walk away from the table still hungry then you didn’t take advantage of what was made available. Of course, my table could never compete with the lavish meals you read about in historical romances nor would baking and cooking have been so easily done!
          It was wonderful to sit around the fire pit and visit with everyone, too! I’m really glad I took some time off from the day job (even though I did not manage to read very much or write very much either. I really wanted to, but ran out of time).
          Now the best part of Thanksgiving dinner for me? The leftovers! I do love my leftovers. I’m pretty pedestrian when it comes to what I like. My favorite? A turkey sandwich (white meat, please) on a King’s Hawaiian roll with a little mayonnaise (Best Foods on this side of the country, Hellman’s on the other….what other kind is there?) and a pinch of salt. My son calls them turkey sliders. My DH’s favorite? The spinach dip, which I put in a bread bowl. He’ll pick on that until it’s gone (bowl and all). Of course, there is the turkey in gravy over rice or egg noodles and turkey soup, too. I do not make turkey tetrazzini (never learned how, but really, by the time I’d get to that, I’d be turkey’d out). There’s also leftover apple and pumpkin pie as well as my homemade cheesecake (my grandmother’s recipe). All guaranteed to satisfy your sweet tooth as well as pack on a pound or two.  
          And on that note, I gotta go…..I have my Christmas menu to plan….and there’s a piece of homemade cheesecake calling my name but before I do, what’s your favorite holiday and holiday food?

As always, happy reading (and celebrating!)

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

$200 gift card chance on CHRISTMAS WITH ANGEL by Lexi Post Release day!

Christmas with Angel has released. 
Only $1.99!

This is a novella about Cole and Lacey's happily ever after (Cowboy's Match) and introduces some of the characters around the Last Chance Ranch which will be seen later this month in Trace's Trouble, coming on December 28th in the Ring in a Cowboy boxed set.

Here's the blurb for Christmas with Angel:

Cowboy firefighter, Cole Hatcher, is determined to do what’s right and take his fiancé with him to his mother’s annual holiday dinner party. After all, the two most important ladies in his life need to learn to get along and the sooner the better. Besides, the rest of the family will be there.

Lacey Winters can’t forgive her future mother-in-law for keeping her and Cole apart for eight years. While she loves Cole’s family, including the five they are living with, she wants to spend Christmas alone with Cole on Last Chance Ranch.

But there are worse things brewing than family drama. This Christmas day, nothing goes as planned…for anyone.

Barnes & Noble

To celebrate this release, I'm holding a Facebook Party today with 13 other authors with Christmas books! The party is from 3pm-10pm Eastern Standard Time, but the contests will be open for 24 hours, so stop by when you can :-) Here's the link:

In addition to the party, we are also celebrating with a rafflecopter for a chance to win a $200 gift card to Amazon, Barnes and Noble or iBooks and the winner will be drawn on December 18th! Still time to do some last minute Christmas shopping, don't you think? So feel free to enter below.

I hope everyone is having a fun holiday season this year. I'm really feeling the spirit :-)

Always, Lexi