My mother was wrong though. She was only seeing
what was on the outside. My DH isn’t a bad boy….he may look rough and tough but
in truth, he’s a marshmallow with a soft spot for animals and children (would I
have stayed with him all these years if he wasn’t?).
Aside from the motorcycle sitting under my carport,
he’s become fascinated with hummingbirds. There’s about ten of them living in
my mesquite and eucalyptus trees and he’s hung a feeder so he can watch them
flit from our tree to the neighbor’s feeder and back.
They watch him too. I’ve seen them sitting on the
branches, following his every move as he polishes that motorcycle or works on
cars. And they don’t chirp…they make more of a clicking noise (at least, that’s
what I’ve noticed) and boy, do I hear that clicking (almost like they’re
yelling at him) when the feeder is empty. He’s very quick to respond though,
talking to them while he’s putting more food in the feeder. Eventually, I’m
sure, he’ll be able to feed them out of his hand. They seem to like him,
probably recognizing that heart of gold I recognized so long ago.
I guess it just goes to show that things aren’t
always as they seem. You can’t tell what a person is by the way he or she
looks, nor can you tell how good a book might be by its cover. That rough,
tough, bearded biker might turn out to be the sweetest person you’ll ever meet
and that book with its so-so cover just might hide one of the best stories
you’ll ever read. And isn’t is wonderful to be surprised?
As always, happy reading!
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