you’ve read this blog before, then you know I’m a big movie fan and I love
movies that make me cry (or laugh or gasp in startled surprise). I just
finished watching Shall We Dance (yes,
I know I should have been writing but I was ironing while I watched so it was
all right). Anyway, if you haven’t seen this movie, I encourage you to do so.
In a nut shell, Richard Gere plays a man who is not quite happy with his life.
He feels something is missing although he has a good job and a loving wife
(played by Susan Sarandon) so he takes ballroom dancing lessons. He doesn’t
tell his wife he’s doing this and when she finds out…well, there are hurt
feelings (understandable….I would be upset too). There is a scene in this movie
that always makes my throat constrict and my eyes well with tears. It’s when Richard
Gere comes up an escalator at the department store where his wife works,
dressed in a tux and holding a perfect red rose. He’s coming to let her know
how much he loves her and then he dances with her….right there in the middle of
the store. *sigh*

will do this to me, too. I cried (in public!) when I read The Notebook (I was on a bus on my way home from work). Was I
embarrassed? No, not at all (okay, I lied…I was…a little). I cried when I read
Cathy Cash Spellman’s Paint the Wind
and at the end of Jodi Thomas’ The Texan’s
Reward (I’ve been a fan of hers ever since). I’ve even cried at the end of
some of my own stories.
was the last book that made you cry?
As always, happy
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