I really wonder about myself.

I’m working on two stories
Forgive me. That’s not entirely true because
while working on these two stories, I kinda got sidetracked and started working
on a third….and a fourth. *Sigh* Actually, if I’m being totally honest here
(and this is why I wonder about myself), I have thirteen stories in various
stages of construction. Some are just glimmers of an idea (the blurb on the
back of a book as it were). Some have been semi-plotted with the characters fully
fleshed out. Some have been started with a chapter or two and some have been
partially written.
Oh wait. Make that fourteen stories
because today, while I was doing my usual Sunday chores (I was peeling
cucumbers as my snack for the week ahead), I stumbled upon another idea. A glimmer
of a story, if you will. A strange woman’s voice spoke to me (thankfully, she
was in my head and no one else heard her). She told me her name and said she found
herself in the most unusual situation and could I help her. She wanted her
story told. She also wanted me to find her the man of her dreams (as if it were
that easy).
I tried to reason with her, letting her
know I was already committed (ha! Now there’s a good word for me!) but she
wouldn’t hear the word No. Or perhaps, she doesn’t know what the word No means.
In any case, she wouldn’t stop talking so I did what I usually do in these
situations. I grabbed a pad of paper and my favorite purple pen and began to
After a few quickly sketched sentences,
which made her happy, I went back to peeling my cucumber, peacefully and in
blissful silence.
And now you know why I wonder about
always, happy reading!
I find it fantastic that you have so many "people" talking to you! To have an idea, or several(!), in line is the best way to end the writing of a different novel. You won't feel at a loss of where to turn next when you type "the end." It's always good to have friends! LOL