I loved the character, Iris
Ballard. She’s got spunk, strength,
intelligence, tells it like it is, and has faults. The fault part is what she’s tempted to keep
until a non-resistible case confronts her.
Iris is a FBI forensic psychologist
living in Georgia. She’s given up her
career for a more sedentary life without many responsibilities. 

And then Luke Hudson, a hot FBI agent, wants
her. He wants her for her mind and abilities to catch a serial killer. He also wants her for more, but he has a
tough time relaying his manly needs.
Iris attempts to keep ahold of her
self-destruction, yet the lure of the case and the handsome agent peel away to
her better self.
The case becomes personal. The serial killer murders Iris’s friend. Luke protects Iris in a warrior way, and Iris
takes care of business.
Fantastic read! The action and love building is constant and
surprising throughout. I’ll definitely
keep reading Jennifer Harlow’s novels. Released on Oct. 11J
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