I’m standing in my kitchen, shredding chicken for enchiladas for dinner and I
take a peek out my window and I can’t help myself. I start shaking my head and
Do you all remember the show Home Improvement? And
how Tim Taylor would talk to his neighbor, Wilson, over the wood fence? Well,
this is what I’m seeing…but it’s a little different.

This is not a one time occurrence. This happens all the time, sorta like Tim and Wilson.
Or housewives of old, talking to each other as they hung laundry on the line (I
will admit, I did this quite often in my old neighborhood. Invariably, my
neighbor and I would end up doing laundry on the same day and chat while we
hung up our clothes).
I don’t think my neighbor has ever said
the words “Hidee Ho, Good Neighbor” like Wilson
did but I’m sure whatever they say, it’s close enough. What do they talk about?
Oh, everything but today’s topic is football (it is, after all, Sunday).
And it’s all good. He’s a great neighbor and he and
my DH have become really close friends (that goes for me, as well). We look out
for each other and that’s the way it should be.
Actually, I’m quite fortunate. I’ve had
good luck with neighbors (I know, that makes it sound like I’ve lived a million
places, but really, I haven’t….we were in our first home for thirteen years and
we’ve been in this one for nearly twenty…I’m not one for moving around a
lot…did that too often when I was a kid and even when my DH and I did move,
almost twenty years ago, the new house was only two blocks away).
Friendships are important. So are good
When I write, my characters all have
that one friend (or sometimes, it's a relative), the one they confide in the most, the one who will tell them
the truth, whether they want to hear it or not. And that’s the way it should be
as well.
always, happy reading (and talking over the fence).
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