ya’all, how is everyone doing?
Excellent, I hope! I’m doing great,
but I’m still recovering a bit from being a nervous wreck. I entered my newest cover in a cover contest
and it’s been a rough ride over here watching the votes. LOL
all started when Emmy Ellis created a stunning cover for my new release, Murder by Dummies. Gorgeous, isn't it? I was so proud of it that when I received an
email flyer about the cover contest, I thought, “Why the hell not?!”
I sent in my $10 entry fee, submitted my cover, and was soooo proud when it
showed up on the contest website.
Cool! Gorgeous cover, and it’s
all mine. I’m a very proud momma. Then the contest opens, I send out my plea
for votes and holy cow, do my readers/friends/family and their
readers/friends/families respond in spades!!!
The votes poured in and I surged to first place.
Way cool!
I start watching the votes and I’m climbing, leaving the pack behind. I’m
excited. I might actually be a
contender!!! I’m not used to hitting
first place because I tend to prefer to compete against myself, so it was way
exciting for me and within 24 hours, I was hooked and determined to win. But then another contestant began the
chase. In one day, she racked up like
150 points or something ridiculous like that, and knocked me out of first.
What? How dare she?!
I’m invested. I start watching the votes
tick up…I get one, seconds later she gets one, I get one, she gets one…it goes
that way for 2 whole days. I start to
see conspiracy theories everywhere I turn.
Maybe aliens are picking up my brainwaves and transmitting my secrets to
I need a tin foil
in first…she’s in first…I’m in first…she’s in first. I’m starting to get emails and texts from
people upset that I’d been ousted. Hell,
I was upset now. What started as a lark
was now an all-out war!
I decide to put out a huge call for votes and I get a TON of them. I surge from about 30 votes behind to about
30 votes ahead. Unfortunately, that only
seemed to piss her off, because she kicked into high gear and blew by me to the
tune of almost 100 points!!!
A little
over-kill, I’m thinking. J
I should have made that tin foil
now I’m a crazed woman on a mission. I’m
emailing everyone I know. I’m texting
people I haven’t talked to in 2 years, I’m checking the counts every 2 minutes,
I’m staying in my pajamas, not bathing, not brushing my teeth, not eating… Alright, it wasn’t quite that bad. But I was checking the counts 100 times a
day, staying up late worrying about how to get more votes. It had turned me into a CRAZY WOMAN! I’d wake up in the middle of the night and
check the counts.
She never sleeps!
Thank God, I have my Butterscotch Martini Girls and alcohol. The BMG’s peeled me off the ceiling and
reminded me that the prize I was going after in that contest was available to
the top 3 placings, and that my cover was doing one hell of a good job. They reminded me that it was a kick-ass book
with a kick-ass cover, and no one could take that away from me. They reminded me that this was a friendly
competition, and not the end of the world…this was not Coke trying to outsell
Pepsi. In fact, this wasn’t about sales
at all.
I took their advice and poured myself a drink, and the alcohol put me in that
place where life was good again. J Okay, so now I’m breathing normally again, I’m
dressing and eating again, and I had to ask the big question.
What happened to
make me go all Lizzie Borden?
not normally an extremely competitive woman, so why did competitiveness kick in
like gas hosed on a bonfire? I think I
have the answer…I was so close. I had
taken first place and could almost taste victory. I had the brass ring almost in hand. So, when it looked like someone might steal
the prize from me, all of a sudden that prize that was available to the top 3
placings seemed to be slipping from my grasp. I lost perspective.
that ever happened to you? Ever got so
close that reason sprouted wings and flew the coop? That you found yourself obsessing over
something that didn’t have nearly the value you had assigned to it? Yeah, I thought so. I suspect we’ve all pretty much done that at
one time or another. So, leave me a
comment and tell me what situation pushed you beyond the boundaries of
normal. I’d love to hear it. LOL
that I’m back to normal and have my obsession in hand, I’m excited about the
contest. J
I’m not going to stalk my competition, plant internet explosives, or
start knocking on strange doors asking to use their internet devices so I can
vote. J
Life is good. I’m kicking ass in
2nd place, and I have the satisfaction of knowing that I made my competition
earn that bid for the top spot.

and posting closes at midnight tomorrow (Saturday the 15th), so you
still have time to earn those entries into my drawing. Winners will be posted by 2pm on Sunday the
16th. So if you have been
voting, THANK YOU!!! And if you’re new
to this contest, go earn some entries.
Hope you win!
VOTING LINK: http://affairedecoeur.com/GorgeousGals.html
BMG COMMENT LINK: https://butterscotchmartinigirl.wordpress.com/2017/07/08/help-this-is-a-bmg-sos/comment-page-1/
VOTING LINK: http://affairedecoeur.com/GorgeousGals.html
BMG COMMENT LINK: https://butterscotchmartinigirl.wordpress.com/2017/07/08/help-this-is-a-bmg-sos/comment-page-1/
I promise not to get crazy again. :)
my story, irrational and ridonkulous, and I’m stickin’ to it. Hang on tight now ‘cuz we’re gonna go real,
real fast!
OMG this is exactly what used to happen to me when I started using eBay years ago. Instead of saving money, I would compete against the person upping the bid the most. It was ridiculous. Now, when I buy from there, I just buy the "pay it now" price. Saves me money and TIME! :-)
ReplyDeleteROFL I tried watching a couple of bidding events and ended up walking away because just watching was making me crazy. LOL We definitely are NOT right.
DeleteI wish I'd known about the multiple browser possibility earlier. Sorry -- gotta go now and vote on Firefox, Edge, and IE instead of only Chrome.
ReplyDeleteROFL Thank you, Amanda!!!
DeleteYour cover is gorgeous and you've kicked ass on this contest. I'm biased, so, of course, think you should win, hands down! :) But I hear ya! There's been a few times I've been so close to winning I could taste it and it was snatched away and my teeth hurt as they snapped closed on thin air.
ReplyDeleteCrap happens. And think about how much great exposure your cover AND your story has gotten. And as your critique partner, I can vouch for what a terrific story it is!! And I hope that you sell as many copies as votes you got!! :)
Love you, girl!
Love you too, Tina. It's a good story because I have terrific critique partners who kick my butt when i do stupid stuff. :)
ReplyDeleteBN100 and Catwoman1a...you are both winners of a free ecopy of Barn Burner! Contact me at KayceLassiter@outlook.com and give me your email address so I can get your copy sent out to you. Here is the full list of winners...
Free eCopy of Barn Burner bn100
Free eCopy of Barn Burner catwoman1a / Sharon G
Free eCopy of Barn Burner Debbie Watson
Free eCopy of Barn Burner Debby Fox
Free eCopy of Barn Burner Gayle Lazur
$10 Amazon Gift cards jaulisa
Free eCopy of Barn Burner Jenna
Free eCopy of Barn Burner Jennifer Lucas
$10 Amazon Gift cards Kelly Caye
Free eCopy of Barn Burner Marinalandry5432
Free eCopy of Barn Burner myboo63
$10 Amazon Gift cards Penny DeLoche
Free eCopy of Barn Burner Roberta Fausey
And...for those of you who have been watching the contest...WE WON!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteHUGE THANKS to everyone who voted, emailed, messaged to offer their support. You Rock!