This blog is for those 18 and older.

Thursday, May 31, 2018

Veronica Reviews: ON HIGHLAND TIME by Lexi Post

Paranormal Time Travel
5 Stars

“Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.”
1 Corinthians 13:7

Welcome to Time Weavers, Inc., where the agents have the power to travel in time to fix ripples caused by the Disruptors. Diana Montgomery is a TWI agent with a mission to make sure Laird Torr MacPherson, of the Clan MacPherson, dies in battle. A Disruptor has saved his life, and has caused a backlash of epic proportions in the future. Thinking this will be a routine assignment, Diana isn’t prepared for the kind hearted giant of a man who welcomes her not only into his Clan, but his bed as well. Laird MacPherson has vowed to never love anyone, but when he sets his eyes on the new lass that has requested sanctuary in his clan, he’s left wondering if he will be able to keep that vow. Diana and Torr are faced with hard choices that will forever impact the future of not only their lives, but the lives of future descendants. Will Diana throw caution to the wind, and save her gentle giant that she has grown to love? Or will she allow history to play out as it should and allow him to pass on to the hereafter…“You own my heart, lass. Without you, I am truly dead.”

On Highland Time is the first in a series, and like with all new installments, we the readers are hit with a lot of information. But once the rules of time travel and the powers the TWI agents have are put in motion, readers can set back and enjoy the adventure and romance as told On Highland Time.

Lexi Post has written a dream come true for this reader! Love overcomes all obstacles in this historical romance, and I already can’t wait for the next installment!! Highly recommend!

Here’s a cheat sheet of the Rules for Time Weavers, Inc., (TWI) Agents:

Rule One: Don’t change history; only change it back.
Rule Two: Never travel back to a period and place already visited.
Rule Three: Travel no more than once a day.
Rule Four: Do not hint at anything in the future.
Rule Five: Do not make friends.

Sharing what I love, 

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When someone changes history, affecting the future, Diana Montgomery, the most experienced agent of Time Weavers, Inc., travels back to 1306 Scotland to change it back. Her mission, to find the culprit and ensure a minor clan chief dies in battle as he originally had. What she’s not prepared for is Torr MacPherson, the ruggedly handsome warrior with a kind heart and a steadfast loyalty—the Laird she’s supposed to ensure dies.

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

My Grandmother - The Fashion Plate

         Hello, gentle readers!
         So, it being Memorial Day weekend, I was cleaning out my closet (I do this every year at this time…have no idea why, except I don’t tolerate clutter very well. It makes me anxious) and found a shoebox. Thinking I had a pair of shoes I’d forgotten about (I know, it was a crazy thought…who forgets they have a pair of shoes?), I opened the box. It wasn’t shoes. It was something much, much better...
         A treasure chest of sorts, full of my grandmother’s costume jewelry—strings of pearls and clip-on earrings and pins and bracelets and rings. She loved that kind of stuff and I admit, I loved it, too. I recall playing dress-up whenever I stayed with her.
         I didn’t realize it at the time (probably because I was so young), but my grandmother was a fashion plate. She never went anywhere without being fully made-up (this included bright red lipstick to match her bright red nail polish). Her hair was always perfect. Of course, she had it done every Saturday at the Beauty Parlor—a French Twist, if I recall correctly—and she’d warp her coif in toilet paper then add a filmy kinda bonnet thing before she went to bed (so she wouldn’t muss up her ‘do).
         And her closet! Oh my goodness. The woman did not just own clothes…they were outfits, perfectly matched pairings of slacks and blouses, which also matched her shoes and purses (which she kept in this plastic shoe-tree thing).
         Why did I just tell you all this? Well, because I was in my own closet, looking at her jewelry, and I realized (grandma’s been gone since 1989) that in many ways, I’m just like her, though there are some differences. I have outfits, too (for work…when I’m not at the day job, I’m running around in ratty old shorts and t-shirts). I don’t, however, have matching purses….I carry one purse until it falls apart then get a new one. And I don’t, for some odd reason, wear jewelry, except for my anniversary band.
         Made me wonder if this is why my characters are always appropriately dressed (until it’s time to be undressed) in fashions of the time period I’m writing in and why I love to peruse the internet, choosing their garb. A possibility? Most certainly.
         Thanks, Grandma!

Until next time, remember to spread kindness wherever you go.

Sunday, May 27, 2018

The Billionare's Club and a chance at a Kindle Fire!

The Billionaire’s Club
A Limited-Edition Collection of Billionaire Romances
Including Stories from Nicole Morgan, Krista Ames, Jan Springer, Robin Michaela, Madison Michael, Lita Lawson, Nikky Kaye, Diana Bocco, Kris Jayne

The authors of this collection are giving away a Kindle Fire with Alexa. There will be a chance to enter every day so be sure to follow the tour to learn more about each book and enter for your chance to win this awesome prize! You may find those locations here. 
About The Billionaire's Club: High stakes, risk takers, and power-wielding billionaires. This set will take you on a ride of romance, seduction, and games of wealth and fortune. Find out what happens when these powerful men meet their match.
Dex: The Spencer Family Saga 1 by Nicole Morgan When you’re a Spencer, sometimes the price can be higher than you’re willing to pay. Website:  
Playing with His Heart by Krista Ames
Will playing with his heart break hers? Website:
The Billionaire Boyfriend by Jan Springer Lily finds pleasure in the arms of two sexy billionaires. Website:  

Stealing the Billionaire’s Heart by Robin Michaela A jilted bride’s best revenge is finding a better man. Website:  
Desire & Dessert: A B&B Billionaire Romance by Madison Michael It Should Have Been a Perfect Fit… Website:  

Ice by Lita Lawson Diamonds. Billionaires. Who knew working undercover would be so sexy. Website:  

The Billion Heir by Nikky Kaye Welcome to the first meeting of the Billionaire Book Club—because even the wealthy need help to read between the lines. Website:

LUKE: a Forbidden Lust novella by Diana Bocco Losing it all might just be worth it. Website:  
Snowbound Siren by Kris Jayne A seduction. A secret. A steamy, snowbound adventure. Website:  


Thursday, May 24, 2018

Please vote for HEART OF FRANKENSTEIN by Lexi Post!

In D'Tale magazine has nominated me for a RONE Award in the Fantasy Romance category for my paranormal romance Heart of Frankenstein. This award recognizes excellence in romances published independently or by small presses. It is a really BIG deal!
In order to be a finalist and have my story judged on its merit, I have to garner enough votes between today and May 27 to put me in the top five. I'm competing against 13 other books.
If you're willing to vote, I'd so appreciate it. First register before voting as they only take 1 vote per person. Once you get to the site, go to the top and hit login. It will allow you to register (for free). 
Once logged in, at the top right, hover over InDscribe/Rones and drop down to 2018 RONE AWARDS. On the left a menu will appear. I'm in Week 6 (in Fantasy).
I truly can't do this without you. If you could vote for Heart of Frankenstein, it would mean so much to me💗   
Thank you.   
Always, Lexi

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Seeing Red by Sandra Brown

What a journalist won’t do for a story.
Kerra Bailey gets an exclusive interview with The Major, an American hero who’s gone silent for several years.
She has a surprise for The Major, yet the surprise after the interview for both of them isn’t pleasant.  Bullets and blood.
Former ATF agent, John Trapper, who’s also The Major’s son, wants to keep Kerra silent and out of the picture.  For her safety and just because she makes Trapper pitch a tent, he convinces her to stay with him.
                            SEEING RED by Sandra Brown
Business before pleasure when Trapper needs to find the people who shot his father and have a target on Kerra and himself.  Granted, he’d rather mix the two, but something always interrupts any thoughts or actions!
Not only that Kerra may have seen the shooters, but they’re connected to a decades old bombing that she was present for.  Talk about a mess of circumstantial evidence and a mess of bad guys fooling the cops.
It might be easier for Trapper to convince law enforcement who the assassins are than to get Kerra close enough to keep.  We all know how adept Sandra Brown is at layering the evidence and turning your thoughts on where the story will go, so read with caution because the ending will be a surprise!
Happy reading,

Sunday, May 20, 2018

New Cover Reveal

My Nadia Wolf series has had a facelift. Thanks to an awesome author and designer, Melissa Haag, Nadia looks gorgeous. I'm super excited about it, so I wanted to reveal the covers here first.

Drum roll, please.

Interested in seeing the other four covers or checking out the series?

Follow this link to my website:

I'll see you next month!
Nicolette Pierce

Saturday, May 19, 2018

Veronica Reviews SUMMER MAGIC by T.M. Cromer

Paranormal Romance
Summer Magic
T.M. Cromer

5 Stars

 “If family lore was to be believed, once a Thorne found their one true love, their heart would never veer off the path of that love.”

 Summer Thorne has been over the moon in love with one Cooper Carlyle until a prom night that went horribly wrong, causing Summer’s heart to be broken beyond repair.  Cooper has had enough of being followed around by Summer, and when his idea of getting her away from him backfires, he realizes that maybe being cruel to be kind wasn’t his best idea.  Years go by, but old hurts are still fresh for Summer, and when the now Sheriff Cooper Carlyle comes a knocking with threats of destroying her animal sanctuary, Summer is left with no choice but to join forces with her sisters to stop him.  But dear reader, what the locals don’t realize is that the Thorne sisters are witches, and when you hurt one sister, you end up facing them all.  “If anyone discovered the Thorne women were witches in bum-f**ked rural Tennessee, the bible belt of America, then gossip would spread, hell would break loose, and residents would line the driveway with pitchforks.”

Summer Magic is a little bit Charmed meets Practical Magic meets Dr. Doolittle.  The banter between Summer and Coop is hilarious, and when they are pushed together to solve an age old family mystery, well let’s just say the sparks fly!  Highly recommend this book and look forward to reading the rest of the series!

 Sharing what I love, 

Friday, May 18, 2018


Hey gang, hope everyone is having a wonderful May and staying cool, which is tough to do here in Phoenix these days.  I’m running from one thing to another and have my grandson in town tonight, so I’m going to keep this short.

But I wanted to mention to all our readers out there that indie authors are all scrambling this week to respond to U.K. legislation being referred to as GDPR, which stands for General Data Protection Regulation.  In a nutshell, the U.K. has implemented regulations which go into effect on 5/25, which require transparency in how we collect/store/manage your personal information.

While I believe this legislation is goodness for all of us, I hope you all will bear with us as we scramble to figure out how to adhere to the requirements and serve our readers appropriately in all of this.  As with any legislation, there is legalese, interpretations, and interpretations of the interpretations.  Then there are all of the companies and support organizations scrambling to respond and figuring out their role in the overall picture.

Then there’s us—the indie authors who are just trying to write and sell good books.  We are having to put our writing on hold to deal with those things that need to be addressed.  We are all doing our best to align with the letter and the spirit of the law.

So, if you get emails telling you that an author has posted a new privacy policy, or in some cases, asking you to opt-in to their newsletter again, we ask that you be patient with us as we align ourselves with these new regulations in order to better serve you in an open and honest manner.  Stay the course with us and re-up on those newsletters, check out our new privacy policies, and ask for clarification if something is unclear.  This is all about you, and we are working hard to protect your information.

Thank you for your support and faithfulness as we do a little housekeeping!  And if you're interested and are not already signed up for my newsletter, I'd love to have you join us at: 

That’s my story, thorough and thankful, and I’m stickin’ to it.  Hold on tight now ‘cuz we’re gonna go real, real fast!

Love ya,


Wednesday, May 16, 2018

I'm not weird...well, maybe I am a little....

         Hello, gentle readers!
I love my DH. I do. We’ve been together for a long time, but I must tell you, he thinks I’m weird. Not only does he think it, he tells me…and he’s been telling me that for years―almost since we met. If you want to know the truth―I am not weird. I prefer to use the term eccentric. Or unique. Perhaps, a bit dotty. Maybe even odd, but, most definitely, not weird. But I digress…
What brought on this proclamation (again)? Well, I bought a new liner for my shower curtain and he, very kindly, hung it up for me. And well…it smelled like…new Barbie stuff (you remember Barbie, don’t you? And Ken and Skipper?).
That distinct vinyl smell brought back a rush of memories…of waking up Christmas morning and rushing downstairs (with those spiky, bristly curlers in my hair―yes, I may have been seven or eight, but my mother loved big hair, hence the curlers and the inevitable hour of teasing the heck out of my hair (not to mention the abundance of hairspray) so she could get it as big as she wanted) and unwrapping the Barbie convertible or her camper or her townhouse (I had quite the collection). Loved those memories…and that smell!
But that isn’t why he called me weird. It was the exclamation “It smells like Barbie stuff in here!” which prompted a whole conversation…well, it wasn’t a conversation…it was more him standing there with that deer in the headlights stare, looking at me like I grown another nose in the middle of my face, while I gushed forth information about smells and the memories they trigger…like how the aroma of fresh ground coffee reminds me of my grandfather while mothballs reminds me of my grandmother (that’s another story for another time) and how Old Spice reminds me of him.
If that wasn’t bad enough, I proceeded to explain how I try to incorporate smells and aromas into everything I write. It’s important, along with all the other senses.
After twenty minutes or so (it may have seemed much longer to him and it may well have been) of me giving him an information dump on that subject, he finally shook his head, blinked twice and said, “You’re so weird!” He walked away (well, escaped really), muttering to himself under his breath words I couldn’t hear except for one…weird.
I didn’t think the encounter was weird at all. I thought it was completely normal and I'm sure it happens all the time. After all, smells do trigger memories. What aromas trigger it for you? 

Until next time, remember to spread kindness wherever you go.

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

ON HIGHLAND TIME by Lexi Post- Sneak Peek with an Amethyst Necklace and $25 Amazon Card Giveaway!

On Highland Time is a fun combination of paranormal abilities, time travel and highlanders. What's not to love? 😛 Plus, as part of my celebration of this book, I'll be giving away a beautiful Sterling Silver and Amethyst thistle necklace from Scotland and a $25 gift card! For a chance to win, enter the rafflecopter below. Yes, I'm that excited!

And to get you excited as well, I've included a sneak peek of On Highland Time. Enjoy!

Always, Lexi

Torr appeared to grow larger before her eyes. He straightened to his full height and looked down at her, his eyes hard. “I was protecting my king and what is mine.”
She swallowed, his stare clearly indicating he considered her his. She broke eye contact and looked past him to find the two men, Beth, Braigh, and Mairi watching them. Once again, she was the center of attention. Not the right place for a TWI agent.
Medieval. She needed to think like a medieval woman. What would Mairi do in this case? Actually, the poor woman might very well faint.
Though it rubbed her all ways but the right way, she kept her gaze lowered. “I’m sorry that helping Ian angered you. I will refrain from doing so again.”
She heard Torr sigh. “That is not what upset me.”
Daring to look at him, she hoped her gaze wasn’t too direct. “Then why were you angry?”
He folded his arms across his chest, usually a common defensive gesture, but one she had begun to believe was his thinking stance. “I did not like seeing ye in the arms of another.”
That was blunt and to the point. “But aren’t you in the arms of another woman every few nights?”
He looked away and dropped his arms before quickly changing the subject. “I believe food awaits us.”
“So it does.” She let her irritation spill into her tone of voice. His double standard grated on her nerves, but that was according to her own time. She had to stop letting him get to her. Crouching down, she picked up her shoes and walked barefoot to the blanket, completely ignoring the hulk strolling beside her.
When she sat on the blanket, Douglas caught her eye and shook his head.
Oh, go have dinner with Medusa! She took a deep breath to regain some balance.
Torr lowered his large body next to her. Holding out his hand, he offered her a chunk of bread and a square of cheese. Reluctantly, she accepted it. Crossing her legs beneath her, she took a bite. The sharp cheese woke her taste buds and refocused her thoughts.
He didn’t say a word as he ate his mutton and bread.
She appreciated the silence and the food, casting furtive glances at him. The man would definitely be considered “eye candy” in her age. Broad shoulders with large muscles in his arms, developed pectorals, and abs women sighed over. While she had only seen a glimpse of his thighs, she could tell by the bulge of his calves that they, too, would be solid strength. He was no cover model with his crooked nose, red-tinged hair, and pure maleness, but he was striking in his own way. Even more than his giant build, there was a purpose to him that forewarned he was a force to be reckoned with. She just couldn’t see him dying in battle.
“Here.” Torr held out a wooden cup.
She tentatively took a sip to find it was water. It enhanced the aftertaste of the cheese, one of the few food items she found palatable. She handed the cup back. “Thank you.”
His large hand covered hers but didn’t let go. She looked up at him. His deep blue eyes crinkled at the corners. “Ye have no need to fear me, lass.”
Maybe not physically, but definitely emotionally. She liked this big, kind-hearted man, far too much. His feelings for her, though only interest and lust, were not good. Better to keep him at arm’s length. She grinned. “I know.”
His brow rose and arrogance revealed itself once again. “Ye do? Well then, ye also know my bed is waiting for you.”
She swallowed the thrill of excitement that ran through her chest and instead focused on her modern irritation over his lifestyle. Though she tempered it, she wasn’t above a little sarcasm. “Which night?”
He scowled, his face taking on harsh lines.
Holy Hamlet, he looked mean when he did that.
“Lass, you test my patience.”
“Laird, you test mine.” She raised her chin just a fraction.
He scowled harder. Then his face relaxed, and he chuckled. “I think ye will fit into this clan very well.”
The idea of being a welcome part of the clan scared the hell out of her. Since her parents’ death, she’d created her own clan, so to speak. She couldn’t become attached to another, especially not in 1306. She needed to put distance between herself and this laird.

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