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Tuesday, May 15, 2018

ON HIGHLAND TIME by Lexi Post- Sneak Peek with an Amethyst Necklace and $25 Amazon Card Giveaway!

On Highland Time is a fun combination of paranormal abilities, time travel and highlanders. What's not to love? 😛 Plus, as part of my celebration of this book, I'll be giving away a beautiful Sterling Silver and Amethyst thistle necklace from Scotland and a $25 gift card! For a chance to win, enter the rafflecopter below. Yes, I'm that excited!

And to get you excited as well, I've included a sneak peek of On Highland Time. Enjoy!

Always, Lexi

Torr appeared to grow larger before her eyes. He straightened to his full height and looked down at her, his eyes hard. “I was protecting my king and what is mine.”
She swallowed, his stare clearly indicating he considered her his. She broke eye contact and looked past him to find the two men, Beth, Braigh, and Mairi watching them. Once again, she was the center of attention. Not the right place for a TWI agent.
Medieval. She needed to think like a medieval woman. What would Mairi do in this case? Actually, the poor woman might very well faint.
Though it rubbed her all ways but the right way, she kept her gaze lowered. “I’m sorry that helping Ian angered you. I will refrain from doing so again.”
She heard Torr sigh. “That is not what upset me.”
Daring to look at him, she hoped her gaze wasn’t too direct. “Then why were you angry?”
He folded his arms across his chest, usually a common defensive gesture, but one she had begun to believe was his thinking stance. “I did not like seeing ye in the arms of another.”
That was blunt and to the point. “But aren’t you in the arms of another woman every few nights?”
He looked away and dropped his arms before quickly changing the subject. “I believe food awaits us.”
“So it does.” She let her irritation spill into her tone of voice. His double standard grated on her nerves, but that was according to her own time. She had to stop letting him get to her. Crouching down, she picked up her shoes and walked barefoot to the blanket, completely ignoring the hulk strolling beside her.
When she sat on the blanket, Douglas caught her eye and shook his head.
Oh, go have dinner with Medusa! She took a deep breath to regain some balance.
Torr lowered his large body next to her. Holding out his hand, he offered her a chunk of bread and a square of cheese. Reluctantly, she accepted it. Crossing her legs beneath her, she took a bite. The sharp cheese woke her taste buds and refocused her thoughts.
He didn’t say a word as he ate his mutton and bread.
She appreciated the silence and the food, casting furtive glances at him. The man would definitely be considered “eye candy” in her age. Broad shoulders with large muscles in his arms, developed pectorals, and abs women sighed over. While she had only seen a glimpse of his thighs, she could tell by the bulge of his calves that they, too, would be solid strength. He was no cover model with his crooked nose, red-tinged hair, and pure maleness, but he was striking in his own way. Even more than his giant build, there was a purpose to him that forewarned he was a force to be reckoned with. She just couldn’t see him dying in battle.
“Here.” Torr held out a wooden cup.
She tentatively took a sip to find it was water. It enhanced the aftertaste of the cheese, one of the few food items she found palatable. She handed the cup back. “Thank you.”
His large hand covered hers but didn’t let go. She looked up at him. His deep blue eyes crinkled at the corners. “Ye have no need to fear me, lass.”
Maybe not physically, but definitely emotionally. She liked this big, kind-hearted man, far too much. His feelings for her, though only interest and lust, were not good. Better to keep him at arm’s length. She grinned. “I know.”
His brow rose and arrogance revealed itself once again. “Ye do? Well then, ye also know my bed is waiting for you.”
She swallowed the thrill of excitement that ran through her chest and instead focused on her modern irritation over his lifestyle. Though she tempered it, she wasn’t above a little sarcasm. “Which night?”
He scowled, his face taking on harsh lines.
Holy Hamlet, he looked mean when he did that.
“Lass, you test my patience.”
“Laird, you test mine.” She raised her chin just a fraction.
He scowled harder. Then his face relaxed, and he chuckled. “I think ye will fit into this clan very well.”
The idea of being a welcome part of the clan scared the hell out of her. Since her parents’ death, she’d created her own clan, so to speak. She couldn’t become attached to another, especially not in 1306. She needed to put distance between herself and this laird.

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  1. Beautiful necklace and hot cover

    1. Thank you, Katherine. I'm kind of partial to the cover model, I mean cover myself.

  2. Love the necklace! I've entered everything but Twitter. Don't use it Love Lexi....Lyn

  3. Excited for this upcoming release, Lexi! WOohoo!

    1. Oh, I hope you like a little X-men thrown in with your Time Travel to medieval Scotland. If you do, it will be right up your alley :-)

  4. Love, love, love
    I'd have a really hard time sharing too!!
    Entered though I don't twitter😯

    1. It was a fun story to write. Good luck in the drawing!

  5. Fantastic giveaway. Another great book to read.

  6. Gorgeous giveaway. Book sounds amazing!!
