Kerra Bailey gets an exclusive interview with The Major, an American hero
who’s gone silent for several years.
She has a surprise for The Major, yet the surprise after the interview
for both of them isn’t pleasant. Bullets
and blood.
Former ATF agent, John Trapper, who’s also The Major’s son, wants to
keep Kerra silent and out of the picture.
For her safety and just because she makes Trapper pitch a tent, he
convinces her to stay with him.

Business before pleasure when Trapper needs to find the people who shot
his father and have a target on Kerra and himself. Granted, he’d rather mix the two, but something
always interrupts any thoughts or actions!
Not only that Kerra may have seen the shooters, but they’re connected to
a decades old bombing that she was present for.
Talk about a mess of circumstantial evidence and a mess of bad guys
fooling the cops.
It might be easier for Trapper to convince law enforcement who the assassins
are than to get Kerra close enough to keep.
We all know how adept Sandra
Brown is at layering the evidence and turning your thoughts on where the
story will go, so read with caution because the ending will be a surprise!
Happy reading,
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