This blog is for those 18 and older.

Friday, June 29, 2018

Dear Kayce!

HUGE THANKS to The WRANGLER Horse and Rodeo News for their permission to re-post this column originally written for their publication.

Hey there. It’s me, Kayce Lassiter, and y’all are lookin’ happy as a slick tick on a fat dog.  Tickled to see ya here. So, let’s help out some folks wrestling with a heart issue.

Mares:  I want a tall, slim cowboy with a deep voice, full head of hair, sexy in Wranglers, can two-step, and makes my heart flutter.  Where do I find one of those?

Oooh, that’s a damn tall order. If you’re looking for a guy in the age range where men generally still have their own teeth, hang out anywhere they have horses or livestock. Cowboys and hooves go together. Finding a good set of Wranglers is easy, and you’ll know pretty quick if your heart flutters at his cockeyed smile and “My pleasure,” in a bone-melting Sam Elliott voice. But finding a good head of hair is tougher. You’ll have to get him to take his hat off, without knocking it off. Don’t do that—it won’t end well! Make this a negotiating point to offset a weakness of yours, or a compromise to get those flutters. Sliding your hands over that chrome dome is just as sensual as running your hands through a full head of hair. Give it a whirl. On the flip-side…Unicorn hunting is easier if you’re not set on a young ‘un. Hang out in the waiting room of a medical practitioner specializing in geriatrics or dentures. Arrive early to snag two seats up front—your butt in one, your purse in the other. When the right man shows up, offer him the empty seat. He’ll be grateful not to have to walk too far, and you’ll have a captive audience. Be quick! Not only will the nurse call him pretty soon, but daylight’s a burnin’ on that lifespan. As for the two-steppin’—life’s full of tradeoffs.

Studs:  The gals I date only want me for my money. How do I find a sweet girl who wants the real man beneath the Stetson?

If you are using your money as bait, you’re catching exactly what you’re going after. Fish with your heart and your smile, and you’ll get a whole different catch. Before you head out fishing, be sure you know what a sweet girl looking for a real man looks like—she may not be the prettiest girl in the pond. She might be the one floating alone in the shadows. The best fish aren’t always the ones sparkling in shallow waters. For a better catch, know what you’re fishing for and change your bait. On the flip-side…If this sounds like a lot of work, stick to the sparkling fish in the shallow waters. You might get lucky just through sheer numbers. You’ll only churn up a lot of mud fishing at the deep end.

That’s my story, fantabulous and fishy, and I’m stickin’ to it.  Hang on tight now, ‘cuz we’re gonna go real, real fast!

Love ya,

If there are any questions you would like to see addressed in this column in the future, post them in the comments of this post.  Or you can Email or Messenger them to me at one of the links below.


To check out an issue or subscribe to The WRANGLER Horse and Rodeo News, click here:


Thursday, June 28, 2018

DILLON'S DARE by Lexi Post Released! Plus an Excerpt

Released Today!
Dillon's Dare
Last Chance #5

Does he dare to love her?

After his mother goes too far in her attempts to marry him off to a woman of social standing, Dillon Hatcher follows in his brother’s footsteps and escapes to his grandparents’ house. Though he misses breeding the American Quarter horses at home, he’s happy to help the horse rescues at Last Chance Ranch. What he’s not happy about is Hailey Pennington literally dropping in. Do his mother’s schemes know no bounds?

Hailey, “the Hellion” as her brothers fondly call her, has been crushing on Dillon for over a year, so when she discovers he’s moved to Last Chance, she takes the opportunity to meet up with him without his mother’s interference. It doesn’t take long for her to see the man is open to a relationship…as long as it isn’t with one of his mother’s favorites. Just her luck, that’s exactly what she is.

Determined not to fall for Hailey, Dillon finds himself becoming far too interested in her. But before he can decide which is more important, denying his mother or pursuing his own happiness, fate steps in, leaving him no choice at all.

 Buy Links:
Amazon  |  Barnes & Noble | iBooks | Kobo | Amazon UK | Amazon AU | Amazon CA | Amazon DE

Chapter One

   “What the hell?” Dillon Hatcher stepped out of the barn at Last Chance Ranch to find a hot air balloon sinking fast just beyond the house.
   “What is it?” His grandmother joined him, wiping her brow with the back of her gloved hand. “Well, I’ll be a burro’s butt. Are they supposed to come down that quickly?”
    At her question, the fear in his gut was confirmed. “Shit, no.” Running for the corral where Eclipse was trying to impress Macy, he whistled. The black stallion turned at his call and broke into a run. Dillon swung the gate wide, and as the horse came to a halt before him, he grabbed his mane, jumped on his back, and kicked him toward the soon-to-crash balloon.

   Galloping through the desert, as opposed to the new dirt road put in for Cole and Lacey’s house, made it a shorter ride, but he still wasn’t going to get there before touchdown. “Come on, boy.”
   Unfortunately, his position gave him the perfect view of the catastrophe about to unfold. Two people stood in the basket, one working on something while the other was clearly yelling. He hoped his grandmother had called 911.
   “Holy shit.” The balloon dropped fast, closer to the prickly pear cacti covering the area. Just as the basket was about to meet its shadow on the ground, it jerked upward about twelve feet.
   His heart in his throat, he squeezed his thighs to slow down Eclipse and jumped to the ground.
   The balloon floated slowly down to Earth, somehow finding an empty spot between the plant life.
   Running up, he grabbed the rope lying on the ground, not sure he’d be able to keep the balloon from moving, but it had to be worth a try.
   Laughter, light and happy, came from the basket, causing him to move his gaze to the occupants. The contrast between them couldn’t have been greater. A dark-haired man scowled and shook his head at the woman with golden blonde hair, who was clearly thrilled by the experience. Somewhere in the back of his head he was thinking that she should be screaming or crying at the operator of the balloon.
   “Hector, that was awesome!” She threw her hands up before giving Hector a squeeze he clearly didn’t appreciate.
   “You almost destroyed my balloon.”
   She pulled back, keeping her hand on his arm. “You know if that happened, I’d take care of it. How am I supposed to learn? I have to do it myself. I have to make my own mistakes and learn from them. And look, I did! Here we are safe and sound.”
   From the man’s shaking head, Dillon was pretty sure he wasn’t convinced. That’s when the man saw him and nodded in his direction.
   The blonde turned around and he froze, irritation sizzling up his spine. “You.”
   “Dillon Hatcher, right?” She hopped up on the edge of the basket and jumped down onto the desert floor. “I didn’t expect you to be out here.”
   “Hailey Pennington, are you crazy?” He stared at the woman his mother had been trying to get his brother and now him to marry. Or rather, one of the women she wanted them to marry.
   Hailey paused, cocking her head to the side. “I don’t think so. You are Dillon, right?”
   He barely controlled the low growl wanting to come out and threw his free hand up toward the balloon. “I mean the balloon. What the hell were you doing driving that thing, or flying or whatever you call it?”
   She grinned. “Oh, I was learning how to fly it. It’s an amazing feeling.” Her green eyes lit with the thrill of her adventure. “Have you ever been in one?”
   His stomach lurched at the thought. “If man was intended to fly, he would have been given wings. I keep my feet firmly planted on mother Earth.”
   “Well, it’s exhilarating to reach beyond our limitations. You should try it some time.” She spun toward the balloon. “You can go, Hector. I’ll just catch a ride back to my car.”
   Hector looked him over as if deciding if he was safe to be in Hailey’s company then scowled.
   He let the man off the hook. “Go ahead, Hector. I’m sure someone at the ranch house can give Ms. Pennington a ride. It’s probably safer than letting her back in your balloon.”

Last Chance Series: 

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Adventures in Drivers' License Photos!

        Hello, gentle readers!
It’s been a busy couple weeks for me, but everything that needed to get done got done so that’s good. That included a trip down to have a new photo taken for my driver’s license.
Why did I do this when it's the last thing I wanted to do?
Well, I received a notice from the Arizona Department of Motor Vehicles telling me that the picture on my license was too old. The license itself is good for another couple years, but the picture….well, the State of Arizona wanted a new one. I had until July 1 to accomplish this task so, of course, I put it off as long as I possibly could because…well…the camera and I have a love / hate relationship (sorta like me and my scale…but that’s another tangent).  
And the camera knows it.
Unposed, candid shots? No. Just no. They are the stuff of nightmares. Seems I always have my mouth open or I’m blinking or any number of other things that look terribly foolish.
Professional shots aren’t so bad…wait, what am I saying? It’s the camera, I tell you. It just hates me (we’re not even going to mention my first and only attempt at a selfie!).
And my worst fears were realized. The old picture on my license seemed like it was taken from a distance. You saw my whole face but you also saw quite a bit of the blouse I was wearing. So, yeah, distance. And it was a good thing.
I wasn’t so lucky this time. There was no distance at all. This photo is front and center and so big! And it’s just my face…no glimpse of my blouse or anything. Made me wonder if the camera was broken, but no. *Sigh*  
The good news? I got to do one of my favorite things while I waited to have said picture taken. I got to people watch and I love that! People fascinate me, especially when they’re interacting with each other. I witnessed two heated arguments while I was there and one couple who must be newly in love, given the way they gazed at one another. The best thing I saw? An older man (must have been in his 80’s) being solicitous and caring and gracious toward his wife.
Did seeing that loving older couple make it worth it to have another bad photo taken? Yeah, it kinda did!

Until next time, remember to spread kindness wherever you go.

Disclaimer: The blog you just read was all written tongue in cheek, except for the people watching part.

Sunday, June 24, 2018

WEAPONS OF REDEMPTION by Saloni Quinby and a Chance at a $15 Gift Card!

Weapons of Redemption 
By Saloni Quinby
Saloni is offering a $15 Amazon GC to one lucky winner during the tour. The winner will be chosen by Rafflecopter. Please use the Rafflecopter below to enter. Remember you may enter every day for a chance to win so be sure to follow along with the blog tour. You may find the locations for the rest of the tour here
About Weapons of Redemption:  Five men, enslaved by a vampire pirate and forced to do his bidding, rebelled against their master and earned the wrath of a monster. Now, while plotting to destroy the man who, centuries later, still thinks he owns them, they use their powers to protect other victims. Whips and Chains: In a seedy underworld of sex and violence, a serial killer is stalking men and Guy is called upon to find the murderer. Ryan, a professional Dom known as the Beast Tamer, specializes in meting out pleasure and pain to oversized men. Is the sexy young man with a mysterious past the next victim — or the killer? Sword and Shield: Rule coped with his abduction by the vampire pirate Tarun by cutting off his emotions. After centuries of self-control through punishment, he found a man who finally reached his heart. Now it’s up to Rule to save his former lover, but once he sees Joel again, will Rule be able to resist him? Cloak and Dagger: When police detective Bryce Tarunson arrests a man who looks just like his lover from two thousand years ago, he’s pulled closer to the vampiric master he hates. The bond between Bryce and Shane forces them into a battle that might end in the destruction of the Weapons of Redemption. Marksmen: Ansley and Brayden were stolen as boys by the hated vampire pirate, Tarun, to work aboard his ship. As men, their friendship blossomed into a deep, undeniable love. In the final battle between the vampire pirate and the Weapons of Redemption, Ansley and Brayden’s love for each other will either save or destroy them. Fangs and Floggers: To lure his rebellious blood children back into the fold, ancient vampire Tarun abducted the hunter Adrian. He hadn’t bargained on his human prisoner being a match for him in every way — including his darkest desires. Though Tarun warns Adrian he won’t like what he hears, the hunter is determined to uncover the secrets of the vampire’s twisted past. Publisher’s Note: Weapons of Redemption includes the previously published novellas Whips and Chains, Sword and Shield, Cloak and Dagger, Marksmen, and Fangs and Floggers.
Buy Links:
Amazon ~*~*~*~*~*~*~
Excerpt: Guy released a breath as he let his whip fly. It struck his old friend, Ruliff, or Rule, as he preferred to be called. Rule stood, his hands suspended from manacles dangling from chains overhead. Even if Rule screamed, no one would hear him, deep in the cellar of this mansion owned by their vampiric kin, Ansley and Brayden. Rule wouldn't scream, though. It wasn't in his nature to show what he believed to be weakness. To drag more than a groan from Rule, Guy would be forced to practically kill him and his sessions weren't meant to cause permanent damage. They had already been at it for longer than usual, even for someone with a supernatural constitution. Five more times Guy struck him with strategically placed blows before he paused and approached Rule. Using the handle of his whip, he traced an especially fierce-looking welt on Rule's sweat-slicked back. Rule had a tremendous capacity for pain. Always had. Guy recalled the days when they, along with Brayden, Ansley and the fifth member of their "family," Bryce, had sailed with Tarun, a genuine monster. The five men had shared a strange and violent past, one that could have destroyed them, but together they had overcome it. Still their days at sea with the vampire pirate -- the master who had tried to mold them in his image -- had left scars on their souls as well as their bodies. These sessions with Rule reminded Guy of how strong yet vulnerable they all were, even if they refused to admit it. Rule could be stubborn to the point of stupid. Guy tightened his hand around the whip and struck Rule again with a blow that would have had most men screaming. A strangled groan escaped the tall, dark-haired man and Guy curled his lip in disgust. He loved the whip and was an expert with it. Like his vampire kin, he had taken what he'd learned about pain and battle from their hated master and made it a form of expression. They had ultimately used their skills to fight back, not only for themselves but for victims who crossed their path. Each of the five men had mastered certain weapons. Guy's obsession was the lash. From bullwhips to floggers, all were slaves to him, bringing pleasure or pain as he saw fit. His love of leather had melded into every part of his life, including sex. He used his floggers to pleasure and punish, sometimes separately, sometimes both at once. Long ago, Guy had honed his skills on his willing brothers, except for Bryce, who refused to submit to anyone, even for fun. Only Rule to this day came to Guy for regular sessions. Guy decided this one had gone on long enough. He knew Rule would push himself past his limits. He needed a strong but sensitive Dominant who knew when to stop. Glancing at Rule, Guy noted that he seemed to be in a trance. His blue eyes were narrowed to slits, his lips parted and his breathing shallow. Wet black curls clung to his perspiring forehead and neck. Blood trickled from his lower lip where he'd pierced it with his fangs. "Our session is over for today," Guy said without room for argument. Rule ignored his authoritative tone and said in a deep, hoarse voice, "More." "Your name might be Rule, but you don't rule here," Guy said. "Fine. Release me then." "Not until you calm down." "I am calm." "You forget how well I know you." Rule's cool facade snapped. Bellowing, he yanked at his bonds. Now he screams, Guy thought, but he knew it was probably a good thing. Rule wouldn't allow Guy to comfort him like some clients enjoyed after a session. Guy worked mainly with supernatural beings -- vampires, wizards, and even an occasional werewolf paid well for him to tease and torment them with his leather and chains. But even those creatures had a tender side. Rule's was buried deep and Guy hoped that eventually someone would reach it. Despite Rule's impressive strength, he couldn't break the chains. Guy's survival often depended on knowing how to properly bind supernatural beings. Guy placed his whip next to a heavy purple flogger on a table covered in red plastic. He'd clean his tools later. He was about to clean Rule's back when his cell phone rang. He knew who it was by the ringtone. He picked up the phone and said, "What's up?" "It's Bryce. I need your help. It's business." Although the five men had different careers in the human world, their true purpose was to protect those in need. The weapons they had once used as criminals were now their means of redemption. Bryce worked as a police officer in the city. Sometimes he called upon his brothers to help him resolve crimes in which the human world could offer no justice. "What does he want?" Rule asked, having ceased his rampage when the phone rang. "Is there a case for us? Let me go!" "Do you have Rule strung up in the dungeon again?" Bryce asked. "Yes. I'm putting you on speakerphone." "You don't have to. I can hear him quite well," Rule said, straining to look at Guy over his shoulder. Though keen senses were an advantage of vampirism, the speakerphone would make a three-way conversation easier. "I've been working on what we believe are serial killings," Bryce said. "You've probably heard about them. The media calls them the Bodybuilder Murders. We've found a common denominator and, Guy, I believe you can get the evidence I need. Will you help?" "You have to ask?" Guy said. "Can you use me?" Rule asked. "Right now this is a one-man job," Bryce said. "But thanks." Rule looked a bit disappointed, but with all the trouble in the world, he was sure to have another case to work on soon. "Guy, can you meet me in an hour?" Bryce asked. "Absolutely. Where?" "Stay put. I'll come to you." ~*~*~*~*~*~*~ About the Author:  The child of a painter and a psychic dreamer, Saloni Quinby feels spirituality and storytelling go hand-in-hand. She loves the scent of gardenia, the sound of wind chimes and the taste of honey. By listening to what isn’t said, she creates works based on unspoken desires. Saloni prefers blurred gender lines and many varieties of romance. In a world where passion must at times be restrained, she believes erotica is a pleasure to be shared. With her stories she would like to make her fantasies yours and hopes you enjoy the ride. She also writes under the name Kate Hill. Please visit her online at: 

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

The Key by Kathryn Hughes

So many loves stories and they start at a mental asylum.  That’s what they used to call such places where families sent what they construed as a misfit or a person the family has no use for.  Didn’t matter the person could be throw behind locked doors for any and all reasons without psychiatric or medical doctor reports.

Sarah has an undying interest in the long closed and dilapidated Ambergate Lunatic Asylum in London.  Snooping around the battered rooms to find details of the lives of those left to endure an unsympathetic existence, not only does Sarah find a friend, a pile of leftover suitcases with clues, her father’s past as a doctor, and the man she will fall in love with.The Key

Most suitcases held miscellaneous personal items, never returned to the inmates, yet the key to a certain piece of luggage opened Sarah’s curiosity about a yellowed wedding dress and a painting.

Sarah enlisted a fellow librarian, Matt, to help her dig up the history of the asylum patients.  She eventually enjoyed the time she spent with him to do her project, his wit and helpfulness, his caring ways.  

So many lives changed because of the what Sarah uncovered.  Sarah’s father had been a doctor at the asylum.  He had a connection with the woman and the faded wedding dress.  A vagrant who lived in the rundown building needed to find his way home, and the lives of many of the patients turned toward love and friendship when Sarah revealed the secrets held in the dreary walls of the asylum, ready for demolition and a fresh start.

 A poignant story based on the early lack of knowledge of those who aren’t like everyone else.  Love heals a lot.

Happy reading,


Sunday, June 17, 2018

THREAT OF DANGER by Dana Marton and a $25 Gift Card Giveaway!

Threat of Danger Mission Recovery Series Book 2 By Dana Marton
Dana is giving away a $25 Amazon or B&N GC and a Dana Marton Tote Bag. The winners will be chosen by Rafflecopter. Please use the RaffleCopter below to enter. Don't forget you have a chance to enter every day so be sure to visit all the stops on this tour. You may find those locations here
About Threat of Danger:
Falling in love can be a deadly proposition in this pulse-quickening Mission Recovery novel from the New York Times bestselling author. Jess Taylor and Derek Daley were in the throes of first love in a small Vermont town when they were kidnapped by a serial killer. They escaped his clutches—but not the trauma of the unsolved crime. With their lives changed forever and their romance cut short, they went their separate ways to exorcise their fears. Jess is living on the edge as Hollywood’s hottest stuntwoman. It’s no longer terror thrumming through her veins. It’s adrenaline. Derek is a former Navy SEAL spinning his ordeals into heart-pounding bestselling thrillers. But when Jess is called home on a family emergency, she must face the past—and face the man she left behind, who is just as haunted and, like her, still so much in love. Now, as an old flame reignites, Jess and Derek are taking advantage of second chances and putting their bad memories behind them. But here, in the quiet town of Taylorville, a killer is getting a second chance as well. Book Links:
Amazon CA:
Amazon UK:
Amazon AU:
Excerpt: Common sense said to walk away. She’d worked hard to make a life for herself in LA that worked for her. Screw common sense. He stepped forward and reached around her, looped his fingers around her slim wrists, and tugged her hands from her pockets. Then he took those hands and drew her closer to him. “Derek . . .” “I wasn’t sure if you’d ever come back.” “I’m only back temporarily.” “Is that how you left things with Eliot?” That she’d be going after him soon? His mouth tightened at the thought. “He had to go. He had meetings scheduled with directors. And new equipment coming in that he has to test and make decisions on before the next shoot.” When she talked about Eliot, she talked about the business. That gave Derek hope. Sounded like they’d parted as friends and colleagues, not as lovers who couldn’t wait to reunite. Two and a half weeks left, at the most. He knew her shooting schedule from talking with Zelda. About eighteen days more before Jess had to report to the set. So why in hell was he wasting time? He dipped his head and brushed his lips over hers. He’d gotten lost once in the Iraqi desert for three days. He hadn’t been as thirsty for water back then as he was now for a taste of Jess. When she didn’t protest, he pulled her fully into his arms and kissed her. The point of no return. He needed to find out if things could still work between them. He wanted her, and he could no longer pretend that he didn’t. Her body was firm, but her lips were soft and silky, as sweet as Zelda’s prizewinning angel food cake. As sweet as the old Jess. Except, this new Jess, she was a woman. She had the power to bring Derek to his knees. He’d told her that he would give her whatever she needed from him. He hoped she’d figure out that he was what she needed. He was going to have to help her reach that conclusion. He breathed her in. She smelled like redemption. Like maybe he could have a do-over and get it right this time. She stood still in the circle of his arms. Undecided. Wary. Better than a sharp knee in the balls, but Derek wanted more. He nibbled her lips and licked the seam, tasting her. She tasted like a whole new world opening up. She tasted like the blank page of a book before he’d written the first word, the possibilities limitless. Was the story of his life written on her heart? Was the story of her life written on his? Too early to tell. But he wanted to find out. Letter by letter, word by word, sentence by sentence. If only she’d let him. She did let him in, let him deepen the kiss. Progress, but this was just the opening of her lips, not the opening of her heart. Still, Derek wouldn’t have been a good SEAL if he didn’t grab every advantage, no matter how small. And, really, the kiss could not be called small by any measure. As he swept into Jess’s mouth, he felt his boundaries expand. Need rushed in, and filled him like water flooding into a torpedoed submarine. He sank onto the seabed of things he always wanted but never believed he could have. Jess’s forgiveness . . . and more. All these years, he’d thought her forgiveness was all he wanted. He’d been stupid. He wanted this. Jess. And he knew in that moment that he was going to do whatever it took to get her and keep her. Eliot couldn’t have her, no matter how handsome he was, or how much they had in common, or how hot women thought it was that
the guy was some grandmaster of stunts. Derek wasn’t going to let Eliot have Jess. He didn’t care if the guy jumped out of a burning helicopter, tied hand and foot, with a ticking bomb in his backpack, and got an Oscar nomination in every single category for the performance.  
Silent Threat Mission Recovery Series Book 1 Amazon Buy Link  

About the Author: 
Dana MartonIf you love heart-pounding romantic suspense, books you can sink your teeth into, you'll love New York Times bestselling author Dana Marton's stories. Kirkus Reviews calls her writing “compelling and honest.” RT Book Review Magazine says, “Marton knows what makes a hero…her characters are sure to become reader favorites.” Her writing has been acclaimed by critics, called, “gripping,” “intense and chilling,” “full of action,” “a thrilling adventure,” and wholeheartedly recommended to readers. Dana is the winner of the Daphne du Maurier Award of Excellence, the Readers’ Choice Award, and the RITA Award, the highest industry award for romance.

Beyond being a bestselling author of romantic thrillers, Dana also writes a popular fantasy romance series: Hardstorm Saga. Book 1, RELUCTANT CONCUBINE, spent 6 weeks at #1 on Amazon's fantasy romance list.
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