This blog is for those 18 and older.

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Sharp Objects by Gillian Flynn

Tough story to rate.  Well written and interesting along with dark and alarming in the revelations of personal problems prevalent today.

Camille Preaker has more problems than the usual person.  She’s a journalist, not a very good one, in Chicago and is sent home to Missouri to cover a story which brings back the demons of her problems. Sharp Objects gives viewers nightmares with horror twist in dark series finale

A serial killer is taking the lives of young girls and saving the teeth as mementos.  Camille needs to get this story in order to keep her profession alive.  She hooks up with a Kansas City detective, Richard, who’s interested in more than giving her a story.

Richard truly likes Camille and attempts to break through her barriers to men.  Another problem of hers, she has no idea how to construct a relationship.Sharp Objects by Gillian Flynn | Weidenfeld & Nicolson

Camille’s issues started as the daughter of a hypochondriac mother, Adora.  Adora repeatedly claimed her three daughters were sick and she had to nurse them.  One’s dead, another, Amma, is still under control of the mother, and Camille had tried to get away and become a “normal” person.

It’s funny how the murders in a small town circle around Camille’s life, dragging her personally into the crime and reviving her addictive nature.  Camille has to sort through the bad and find the good in herself.

Richard is willing to give her a chance, but is she able to be “normal?”  Is she able to separate her problems, the problems of the murders, and let Richard touch her physically and mentally?

Happy reading,


Sunday, August 26, 2018

New Book Release: Last Hand

New Book Release!!!

Nadia Wolf arrives in Las Vegas, knowing her bad luck will return as soon as the plane lands. While Caleb is quite talented at keeping her mind off nearly everything, not even he can stop a past threat that continues to plague them. One by one her friends begin to disappear. When Caleb vanishes next, Nadia must fight to find him and the others before time runs out and all is lost.

This novella is filled with favorite series characters. Everyone is here for the finale.

Where will you be?

Get your copy now and buckle up for a fun, exhilarating ride.

Didn't start the series yet? What are you waiting for? Get the series starter: No Limit.


Nicolette Pierce

Friday, August 24, 2018

We’re Talkin’ Milk Here.

Hey gang, it’s me, Kayce Lassiter, and I’m tickled as a speckled pup to be here again.  It’s been a rough couple of months, but I think I’m seeing daylight at the end of the tunnel.  At least, I’m feeling better about it maybe not being a train.  LOL  Hope you all are doing fabulous.  Have I mentioned yet that you are looking quite mahvelous?  Well, you most certainly are!

Anyway, I thought I’d stick my head in and chat for just a bit to bring everyone up to speed on milk.  Yep, you read that right—MILK.  Why?  Because it’s come to my attention that not everyone understands what milk is and where it comes from.  Then, just to complicate things further, there is more than one kind of milk these days…and here’s where things go off the rails when you’re talkin’ milk.

So, pull up a milk stool and take a sit while this daughter of a dairy farmer shares her wealth of useless information.

The trigger for this discussion was when I pulled into a drive-thru donut shop the other day and ordered a plain frosted donut and a carton of milk.  Seemed easy to me.  But au contraire.

The sweet young lady working the speaker asked, “What kind of milk would you like?”

I asked, “What kinds do you have?”  (Thinking perhaps I might have the opportunity to choose between skim, whole, and two-percent.)


The sweet young lady behind the curtain replied, “Chocolate and Vanilla.”


I hesitated a moment, and then replied, “I was actually hoping for just regular old white milk.”

Cross my heart and hope to die, she answered, “Yeah, that’s the vanilla milk.”



I smiled to myself and told her the plain old white milk would be just fine.  Then I pulled to the window to pick up my donut and “vanilla milk”.  Now, I understand that Almond Milk comes in Vanilla flavor, but I wanted plain old milk…real milk, not fake milk, milk that comes from a cow—not an almond, not a coconut, not a vanilla tree.  (And yes, I know it’s actually an orchid…how?...because I have access to the internet…which donut girl must not have.)

As I pulled away from the store, I wondered if she knew where that “vanilla” milk came from.  Did she know it came from cows and not vanilla beans?  I’ve heard of people who think chocolate milk comes from brown cows, but where must she think vanilla milk comes from?  Vanilla cows?  It brings to mind visions of rows and rows of teeny weeny vanilla beans hooked up to little tiny milking machines.  I wonder how many vanilla beans it takes to get a gallon of vanilla milk.


Okay, say it with me…all together now…milk comes from COWS.  White cows, black cows, brown cows, red cows, black and white cows, brown and white cows…cows of all sizes, shapes, and ages.  Milk is milk, is milk, is milk.  To make it brown, we add chocolate.  To make it pink, we add strawberry.  And to make it vanilla, we would add vanilla extract.  But if you’re talkin’ about “milk”, it originally comes only in white (unless there’s a problem with your cow).  Everything else has been processed to the point where its very nature has changed…it is no longer “milk”…it’s now “chocolate milk”, “strawberry milk”, or…wait for it… “vanilla milk”.

But plain old white milk ain’t “vanilla milk”…it’s just milk, people!  And it’s the only thing that truly is.

That’s my story, silly and superfluous, and I’m stickin’ to it.  Hang on tight now, ‘cuz we’re gonna go real, real fast!

Love ya,


Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Writing Styles

         Hello, gentle readers!
I so admire authors who can write a story from beginning to end without stopping or editing as they go. They save all that once they finish their first, rough draft.
I have never been able to do this. I am constantly going back to what I’ve already written, tweaking, changing words or sentences or…gasp…whole pages! However, when I’m done with a chapter, I’m pretty much done. I’m not a pantster (an author who writes by the seat of their pants). I’m not a plotter. I don’t meticulously outline my entire story although I do have plot points…things I want to have happen but they’re not in any particular order.
What I am…is a puzzler. I write scenes as they come to me then kinda puzzle it all together. This works for me. Not sure why.
As a puzzler, I never know when a scene will come to mind. Or dialogue. Or another plot point that needs to be made and I’m fortunate that I can write anywhere. Noise doesn’t bother me. Neither does movement out of the corner of my eye. Once I’m writing, I can pretty much ignore everything.  
So…I make provisions for that. I carry notebooks in my purse and I always, always have multiple tablets available. I prefer colored, lined paper. Currently, I have yellow, blue, purple and pink. I also have some writing tablets that are multicolored (on the same page) and some that have little designs on them. I like colored ink, too, but mostly, I write with a mechanical pencil. I don’t use the eraser….takes too much time. I simply cross out and keep going. I use a lot of arrows, too, because one thought begets another thought, but it may not be where it needs to be. I’ll also write up the side of the page (in the margin).
Here’s an example. This page was written while I was in line at the Department of Motor Vehicles, waiting to have my car emissions tested! Admittedly, the technician looked at me strangely, probably because I was mumbling to myself as I wrote…and laughing a little bit, too. I'm not crazy...I swear!
Until next time, remember to spread kindness wherever you go.

Sunday, August 19, 2018

GHOST OF A CHANCE by McKenna Dean with a Giveaway!

Ghost of a Chance 
Redclaw Security Book 2
by McKenna Dean
Madison has put together some really awesome Prizes giveaway during the tour. Please use the Rafflecopter below to enter. Remember you may enter every day for your chance to win one of the prize packages. You may find the tour locations here About Ghost of a Chance by McKenna Dean:
At sixteen, Sarah Atwell walked away from her love of horses and a promising career as a competitive rider after discovering she’d inherited the family curse. Years later, her grandmother stunned everyone by leaving Sarah her horse farm—worth millions—but with conditions Sarah might not be able to meet. A former Redclaw agent, Casey Barnes retired when a security assignment went bad, killing his partner and leaving him as a partial amputee. His inner wolf is in hiding. He’s been living quietly as a horse trainer, but June Atwell’s death now pits him against her granddaughter for rights to the stable. With both of them snowed in at the farm, a series of increasingly serious accidents draws Sarah and Casey closer together, but they both harbor secrets that might tear them apart. Ghost of a Chance is a paranormal romance story. Amazon Buy Link:
Excerpt: For some reason, he glanced back at Sarah where she waited by the door. The backlight of falling snow through the glass in the shadowed hallway created the suggestion of a black-and-white photograph. The only spot of color was the bright red scarf at the collar of her coat and the wine-dark lipstick she wore. She leaned against the wall with her eyes closed. Something inside him clicked, as though recognizing a scene from a movie. His heart stopped a beat, flipped over, and thudded again with increased intensity. No. It couldn’t be. Not her. He hurried away, head still reeling at his reaction. When he returned with an armload of clothing, she was nowhere to be seen. Her laptop sat by her shoes, one pretty little pump turned over on its side. As expected, he discovered her in the living room, staring at the pictures on the wall. “There you are.” She jumped at the sound of his voice. “Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you.” He adjusted the heap of clothing piled over one arm and held out a pair of snow boots. “She had so many photographs of me.” Sarah took the boots almost automatically, and indicated the walls covered with pictures, ones Casey had seen many times. That had to be it. Why she felt so familiar. Why she seemed to be the one. Relief washed over him. Obviously he’d spent too much time alone if he thought Sarah Atwell was his destined mate. The Panther’s Lost Princess Redclaw Security Book 1 Amazon Buy Link:  

About McKenna Dean: McKenna Dean has been an actress, a vet tech, a singer, a teacher, a biologist, and a dog trainer. She’s worked in a genetics lab, at the stockyard, behind the scenes as a props manager, and at a pizza parlor slinging dough. Finally she realized all these jobs were just a preparation for what she really wanted to be: a writer. She lives on a small farm in North Carolina with her family, as well as the assorted dogs, cats, and various livestock. She likes putting her characters in hot water to see how strong they are. Like tea bags, only sexier. McKenna Dean's Social Media Links:  
Newsletter: Website:  
Amazon: Facebook Author Page:  

Saturday, August 18, 2018

ALOHA COWBOY (Island Cowboy #1) Available for Preorder!

Aloha Cowboy is now available for Pre-order.

This is the first book in the Island Cowboy series featuring Hailey Pennington's brothers and best friend as seen in Dillon's Dare.

First up is her middle brother, Cordell. He's the most easy-going of the bunch and a bit of a workaholic. Hailey has sent him to the island of Momi in Hawaii to check out The Puanani resort as a possible venue for her wedding. He's pretty sure he'll get bored, but that's not what all.

Aloha Cowboy will release on August 22nd. I hope you enjoy.

Always, Lexi  

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Sometimes being a Pennington can be a disadvantage.
Cordell Pennington considers himself a simple cowboy and he doesn’t want to be in Hawaii. He doesn’t even want to be on vacation, until he meets Leah Pennington, the manager of The Puanani Resort. What intrigues him is not that they have the same last name or that they both hail from Arizona. It’s her habit of vacillating between a professional façade and her personal self that has him taking notice.
Leah’s breathless moment at seeing a cowboy at the reception desk is as much caused by concern as excitement. Upon meeting Cord, she’s happy to help him enjoy his stay, as long as it stays professional. But their constant proximity, thanks to her job, and Cord’s kindness, is taking a toll on her willpower, until she not only finds herself falling for him, but even reveals her reason for never returning to Arizona.
As Cord’s vacation draws to a close, he’s determined to convince Leah they could have a future together despite the miles that separate them. But when his own secret is revealed, the ocean between them is the least of his troubles.

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Career of Evil by Rober Galbraith

Another masterpiece written by Galbraith, aka J.K. Rowling! 

Robin Ellacott, Cormoran Strike’s investigative partner, receives a body part in a box at their office.  Robin’s aghast.  Strike doesn’t like it either, but his mind immediately analyzes the situation and four names come to mind of who might have done this.  Not in agreement with Scotland yard, of course.

All the men who have a grudge against Strike.  That’s his list.

Robin wants to hide her apprehension and help with the investigation.  As more attacks happen to Robin and around the city, Strike demands she is home by dark.

Home to her fiancé who hates her job.  Career of Evil Oct 2015.jpg

So, while a tricky and twisted follow up on the murder and continuing murders happens during office hours, The heart plays tricks on Robin and Strike.

Robin’s fiancé admits to a possibly unforgiveable deed.  Robin takes time off from him while thinking about Strike after hours.  The problem is that Strike thinks about her too. 

It’s very common for the reader to cheer for the couple the reader wants to get together and stay together.  This one’s difficult.

Robin and Matt are still engaged with a huge issue at hand.  Robin adores Strike, but does it go further than that?  Strike has to force himself to keep only to business with her.  So, who gets Robin in the end?  Is it who the reader thinks will get her?  Is it who the reader wants to win? 

The end was a tear jerker and I couldn’t guess what would happen till I read it.  Another story I didn’t want to end!

Happy reading,


Sunday, August 5, 2018

Author Mary Martinez is offerring a chance to win an eBook and $20 Amazon Gift Cards!

Unforgettable Reads Blooming in Mary's Garden
Mary Martinez 
Mary is giving away 2 $20 Amazon GC's and an ebook of Disappear during this tour. Mary's Cover designer, is giving away one cover design for one lucky author. Please use the Rafflecopter below to enter. Remember there is a chance for you to enter the giveaway every day. So join us all through the tour for fun posts, interviews, and prizes. You may find the locations to all the tour stops here.
~*~*~*~*~*~ Four Sisters It was the 60’s, she found love… but started a war. The early sixties was a time of making love, not war. Kathleen finds love and starts a war with her family. Four Sisters is a story rich in the relationships of Kathleen Williams' life. Kathleen discovers her sexuality in the sixties. She's different from other girls her age and afraid her sisters, especially her closest sister, Deborah, will never understand. When Kathleen reveals her love for a woman, her worst fears are realized—she’s banished from her home and family. Forty odd years later, Kathleen is diagnosed with a terminal illness. Susan, her lifelong partner, encourages her to make peace with her family. Kathleen's journey, now, includes rebuilding her relationship with her sisters and parents, as well as the battle of her life. Her only chance for peace is to find acceptance. Genre: Women’s Fiction Website: Amazon Buy Link: ~*~*~*~*~*~
The Beckett Series:
The Beckett’s have a strong sense of family and honor. When one of their own is threatened, their bond is as strong as a badge of steel. The Beckett Series Trailer: The Beckett Series Website: Disappear The Beckett Series Book 1: Genre: Romantic Suspense Amazon Buy Link: Innocent
The Beckett Series Book 2 Genre: Romantic Suspense Amazon Buy Link: Quiet The Beckett Series Book 3 Genre: Romantic Suspense Amazon Buy Link: Illusion The Beckett Series Book 4 Genre: Romantic Suspense Amazon Buy Link: Profit The Beckett Series Book 5
Genre: Romantic Suspense Amazon Buy Link: Abandoned The Beckett Series Book 6 Genre: Romantic Suspense Amazon Buy Link: ~*~*~*~*~*~ Watching Jenny Hot on Jenny’s trail, Dan soon learns ‘Runner’ is not one of the usual suspects. Genre: Romantic Suspense Trailer: Website: Amazon Buy Link: ~*~*~*~*~*~ Classic Murder: Mr. Romance Making a date with a billionaire can be murder. Genre: Romantic Suspense Trailer: Website: Amazon Buy Link: ~*~*~*~*~*~ Chick Magnet He's recuperating from a devastating wreck. She's recuperating from a broken heart. Genre: Contemporary Romance Trailer: Web Site: Amazon Buy Link: ~*~*~*~*~*~ Romance and Misconceptions Twin sisters. Two Billionaire Boyfriends. One big Misunderstanding Genre: Contemporary Romance Trailer: Website: Amazon Buy Link: ~*~*~*~*~*~ Three Brides and A Dress My journey is more of a zig zag than a top stitch along a straight seam as I search for the perfect bride who is my soul mate. Genre: Women’s Fiction Trailer: Website: Amazon Buy Link:
Mary's new covers were designed by
About the Author: Mary and her husband love to travel, especially to the Caribbean for relaxing, and Italy for the wine. And most recently she discovered she was Irish and Scottish, of course they had to visit Ireland and Scotland. Mary fell in love with both, but the green hills of Ireland felt like home. With the experience from the exotic places she has visited, she is able to fill her books with colorful descriptions of cities, painting a colorful backdrop for her characters. One of her favorite US destinations is New York/Brooklyn, where her beloved Beckett's live. When she visits, she can wander their neighborhoods, favorite parks, and visit their favorite pub, Putnum's. They are avid concert ‘Ho’s’! Yes, they pretty much want to do them all. They love outdoor amphitheaters the best and attend as many during the warmer months as possible. Mary writes mostly romantic suspense, romance, women's fiction, and she has just begun to dabble in young adult mystery. She is a member of Romance Writers of America (RWA). During her writing career she has been a conference coordinator, workshop presenter, and chapter president for the Utah Chapter of RWA. In 2007 she was presented with the Utah RWA service award in acknowledgment and appreciation for outstanding service. Mary has also participated in numerous library panels on writing and co-presented a workshop on writing a series at the League of Utah Writers conference. Mary and her husband are also enthusiastic college football fans. They have season tickets to the UTES, University of Utah Football and they tailgate every game. They love tailgating so much, that they were married at a tailgating in 1999. GO UTES! Mary's Social Media Links: Amazon Author Page: Website: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Goodreads: YouTube: Pinterest: Mary’s Garden Blog: The After Work Cook: