Hello, gentle readers!
Do you nap? I know, it’s a strange topic, but it’s
one that’s been on my mind recently.
You see, I’ve never been a “napper”. When I was
younger, my days went from rising, usually before the break of dawn, to after
midnight, with no breaks in between. I never closed my eyes. There was always
too much to do (still is).
Things have changed though. I’m much older and the
thought of a nap is very appealing. And I have indulged.
There are two types of naps (in my mind, at least).
The unintentional (Did I just fall asleep? How did that happen?) and the
intentional (as in, Oh my gosh! I really need a nap!) or power nap.
Let me explain the difference. I recall my grandfather
nodding off on the couch, sitting up, his arms folded across his chest, his
chin dipping closer and closer to his chest with each passing moment. I found
it amusing and kinda funny. Now? Not so much, especially when I catch myself
doing it (but a little differently than he did). Yes, my arms might be crossed
over my chest, but my chin doesn’t dip. No, not all. Instead, my head drops
back to the couch cushion and my mouth will be wide open (the better to emit
the most wall-paper peeling snores to the world…yes, I have woken myself up and
scared the dogs). This is an unintentional nap, one that wasn’t expected or
particularly wanted (but obviously needed). Really! I was only going to sit
down for a minute.

I know people in my day job who go out to their
cars at lunch time and take that 20 or 30 minute power nap. I have not tried
this, but you know, I can see where it has its benefits. It seems to do the
trick…they all come back to their desks, bright-eyed and bushy tailed, as my
mother used to say, ready to put in their next four hours or so of work. I
might try it one of these days (but will definitely wait for cooler weather).
next time, remember to spread kindness wherever you go and take that nap if you
want to.
Oh, I almost always do the intentional nap. I go into my bed, lie down, and 2 hours later wake up. I'm groggy at first, but within 30 minutes I'm raring to go like it's a new day! Love those days! I get more sleep and double the work done :-)