Monday, August 31, 2020
Lexi: What is your favorite color?
Denise: Purple 💜
Lexi: Do you have any pets?
Denise: 1 dog, 1 cat, 2 Crown Tail Beta, and 11 fish
Lexi: Are you single or in a relationship?
Denise: Married
Lexi: Do you have a preference between e-books or paperbacks? Why?
Denise: I like both because when I go somewhere I can have a full library to choose from. And with hardback or paperback, I can read it as a back-up choice.
Lexi: How often do you read?
Denise: Daily
Lexi: How many books a month do you read?
Denise: Somewhere between 8 and 10, depending on their length.
Lexi: What is the first thing you do in the morning?
Denise: Eat breakfast.
Lexi: If you could re-do one thing from your past what would it be?
Denise: I would not have jumped off a small embankment and injured my left knee.
Lexi: If you could visit the past or the future, what time period would you go to?
Denise: I would go back in time so that I could see my mom and she had her vision. I would bring pictures of my kids so she could see how they turned out. Because in present time, my mom is in heaven.
Lexi: What kind of music do you enjoy?
Denise: I love listening to Pop-Rock, Country, and Classic Rock (Van Halen, ZZ Top, etc.)
Lexi: Do you have a favorite quote or saying?
Denise: Live...Love...Laugh! It has always been a favorite of mine.
Lexi: How many children, grandchildren, great grandchildren all total do you have?
Denise: I have 2 of my own and 2 step-daughters with 4 grandchildren (1 girl and 3 boys).
Lexi: Okay, it's time for the quickies:
High heels or boots? Boots
Cats or dogs? Dogs
Hero with long hair or short? Short
Blonde heroine or brunette? Blond
Tattoos or no tattoos? Tattoos
Pajamas or naked? Pajamas
Gown or sundress? Sundress
Diamonds or pearls? Diamonds
Hiking or swimming? Swimming
Perennials or Annuals? Perennials
Sweet or Salty? Sweet
Lexi: Awesome! Thank you, Denise, for chatting with me. It was great learning more about you. 😊
Sunday, August 30, 2020
New Release ~ THE BLOOD KING by Abigail Owen
Friday, August 28, 2020
COWBOY, FIREFIGHTER & HERO Sweepstakes by BookSweeps ~ Now LIVE!
Happy Friday! Today I have something fun
to share with you. I have teamed up with
50+ fantastic authors to giveaway a huge collection of Hero Romances to 2 lucky
Oh, and did I mention the Grand Prize winner
gets a BRAND NEW eReader?
You can win my novel, Cowboy’s Match,
plus books from authors like J.H. Croix, Tessa Layne, Regan Black, Sharon
Hamilton, Nicole Flockton, and many more.
You can enter the giveaway by clicking
on the below link –
*Contest ends on Wednesday, September 2nd.
Good luck to everyone!
~ Lexi 😊
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
When Things Go Wrong

This week,
I’m going to talk about dealing with the unexpected. Now, you all know I live
in the great state of
Last Sunday, I was finishing up the dinner dishes when I realized how warm I was (now, this is not unusual….I’m often warmer than others and believe it or not, I can tell the difference in the house when the temperature goes from 77 to 78). So, last Sunday….as I said, I was finishing up the dishes and noticed that I was sweating. I shouldn’t be sweating when the temperature in the house is 77…so I looked at my thermostat and it was flashing (usually doesn’t do this) and the temperature was 84. And then….it died. The entire system just shut down. Not good.
I called the repair guy (fortunately for me, I just found a new company to do twice-yearly maintenance and I had a contract). Nothing they could do on a Sunday night at that hour, but I would be the first call on Monday morning. By the time Monday morning rolled around, it was 92 degrees in the house (yes, I had all the windows open and all the fans going, but it was still like living in an oven). I learned that I blew a fuse. No big deal. Fuse and connector board replaced, cool air blowing once again. Yay!
Not so
fast….Wednesday, I noticed again the change in temperature from 77 to 78 then
79 then 80. Not good. Another call. Apparently, when the new connector board
was installed, it made the thermostat go back to factory settings. Now, I never
set all those different options. Never had to….set the thermostat on 77 and
don’t touch it. I don’t need it to go up or down if I’m not home (one of the
settings is “away” and you can raise the temperature if you’re not going to be
home). I don’t change the temperature when I sleep either. Nope, I’m one of
those….like I said, I set it and don’t touch it. However, reverted back to
factory settings, the temperature was all over the place and I couldn’t make it
stay at what I wanted. Got a new thermostat. A simple one without all the bells
and whistles. There’s five settings. Cool, Off, Heat, temperature up,
temperature down. That’s what I want.
it was nice and cool in the house and things were running fine. Friday afternoon, noticed it was
blowing warm air and then, it stopped again. Really?!?!? After the horrible
night I spent on Sunday (slept maybe two hours total while roasting in my
house), I knew I couldn’t do it again (I was actually physically ill and
light-headed from the heat). Didn’t want to do it again. And I worried about
the dogs….they were hot, too! Thought about staying with a friend, thought
about getting a hotel room, thought about just sitting on the floor and crying
(though that’s not my way). So, called repair again. I was really lucky they
could make it out that evening and fix the problem (simple fix, thankfully).
So, now, it’s Sunday and so far, so good, but I gotta tell you, I am so paranoid. I keep checking the thermostat, keeping putting my hand up to the register to make sure it’s still blowing cool air, keep listening for the sound of the air to turn on. But I’ve learned several lessons….one, and the most important, is to have a maintenance agreement on your system. Two, find people you trust who can fix these things when they break. Three, have a back up plan so you don’t have to live in an oven while you’re waiting for things to get fixed and the last thing I learned? It’s okay to cry when things go wrong. It relieves the stress of the situation. And that’s my sad story of the past week. Hope yours was much better!
Remember, spread kindness wherever you go. A smile can go a long way (even with your mask on). Stay safe, stay well.
Monday, August 24, 2020
An enchanting sweet romance and more!
Rio lives by his rule.
When Gina joins his gym and befriends his sister, Rio’s grasp on the rule begins to slip. Smart, sexy, and sweet, Gina turns Rio’s attention quickly. But Rio isn’t about to break his rule. So, he hires her instead.
Gina is now in all three no-date categories and completely off limits.
He’s safe.
However, Gina has a little secret, and it could mean the end to Rio’s business and his heart.
Is falling for Gina the best decision Rio makes or the worst?
Now for the MORE part. Do you want even more free books? Check out Just for Giggles! It's a humorous cozy mystery giveaway happening until the end of August.
Sunday, August 23, 2020
Pre-Order Now ~ DAMAGED by Riley Edwards
"Riley Edwards is the queen of suspense! She knows just how to grab a reader and not let go! I recommend every single one of her books!"
Let's Connect ~