Hey, gang, how the hell are ya? Doing good here, just busier than a one-armed
paper hanger in a windstorm with jock itch.
And let me tell you…that is busy!
So, in case you missed it, we’ve
moved into a new year…365 new chances to get it right. Oh wait…today is the 12th, so I
guess that means there are only 354 chances left. Guess I better get on it.
Spoiler Alert:
(In 354 days, the option renews for us lucky enough to make it that
far. YAY! Alright, it’s a date then…we
all meet back here same time next year to see how well we used those
chances. K?)
What have I been doing, you ask? Well…I’m working on a new story. I am
elbows-deep in the newest Dallas Bradshaws book. What’s it about? Uh…hot cowboys. DUH!
Shhh…don’t tell anyone, but I’m writing it for the next BMG Kickstarter
campaign that will kick off later this year. Squeee!!! I repeat…shhh…it’s a secret, so DO NOT tell
anyone yet. But it’s gonna be suhweet!!! (More information to follow…stay tuned.)

Another thing I did about a week ago
was babysit for my granddogs Zeus and Zoe. Zoe is just the sweetest thing ever and she basically found the biggest pillow and the warmest blanket she could find, and then she snuggled in to watch TV with me. Zeus...not so much. Yep, Zeus is the guy who only likes the lady in the bedroom, and that
trend continues. Although he did screw up once and jumped into my lap to hang
out with me while I was in the living room chair. When he later realized his
error, he again donned his terrified face and went back to hiding behind
the rocker. But I was clever and texted my grandson to sneak out to the living
room quietly because I needed a witness.
And, as you can see to the right, I also have a picture to prove his duplicitous nature. So, Zeus is now going to have a lot of trouble selling the idea that he’s
really terrified of the woman in the living room. I know…one mistake and you
pay for that forever. Again, I remind
you—he is not right.
What else? Hmmm…let’s see…I went with
my sis and some of her partners in crime to Medieval Times last week. OMG, how much fun was that! Gorgeous, well-trained horses, birds of prey,
and sizzling hot Knights with swords and axes. Be still, my freaking heart! That is totally my brand of F-U-N all rolled
up with H-O-T…and the wine wasn’t bad either.
A good time was had by all…and no, contrary to what you may have heard, we
did not take any of their knights hostage.
It’s my story, I’m tellin’ it my way. 😊
Okay, back to the new year. I have to ask…what are you going to do with
all those new chances you’ve been given to get things right? Are you going to be kinder, be stronger, take
some ass-kicking classes, work harder, play like a rock star, read faster, learn
how to sleep in a hammock, laugh more, practice laughing until you cry, save
more, spend it like you got it, travel more, stay home and lock the doors,
visit family more, host dinners for friends, sell the welcome mat, exercise
more (uh…no), relax more, lose weight (yes, please), drink less
alcohol (say it ain’t so!), eat more veggies, find an excellent place to
hide your hoarded twinkies, get more organized, let it all hang out, spend
less, blow the wad, buy an aardvark, sell a giraffe, cook more, eat out more, sleep
more, stay awake until the cows come home, fall in love, dump the arse, get
pregnant, pray you’re not pregnant, clean your house, hire a maid, mow the lawn
more often, hire a gardener, eat less junk food, stock up on twinkies in
preparation for the Zombie Apocalypse?
So, what’s your poison?
What are you
hoping to accomplish in the new year?
Me? I’m hoping to lose a little
weight, get a little more organized, do more traveling, have a lot more fun, and
write a lot more books, and maybe even sell that giraffe. I guess that means I’m going to have to learn
how to write on a plane with a laptop that has two screens, while I drink my low-calorie
alcoholic beverage for lunch. Hmmm…I think I can learn to do that. As for the
giraffe…well, no one meets all their New Year’s resolutions, do they?
Whaddayathink? Can I do it?
Whatever your goals are, whatever your plans are, I wish you the best of years. May your enemies be few, your challenges defeated and your dreams realized.
Well, that’s my story, naughty and nonsensical, and I’m stickin’ to it. Hang on tight now ‘cuz we’re gonna go real,
real fast!
Love ya,
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Note: If you
already have the free books, sign up anyway so you don’t miss any
shenanigans—and be sure to forward the link to all your friends who might want
to join us. Its gonna be a F-U-N year!