This blog is for those 18 and older.

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

The Maverick & Miss Miller Cover Reveal


          Hello, gentle readers! Hope you are all well and staying safe!
Do you remember my last post, where I lamented on filling out the Cover Art form for my publisher? As I said then, I was struggling with the blurb but finally (yay! Finally) got it done. Believe me, I wouldn’t have if it wasn’t for the help I received. I thank my wonderful critique partner and generous with her time friend for helping me. Trust me, I couldn’t have done it without them so thank you both! Once again, you saved me!
Anyway, I remember telling you all how I see Evie Miller and Jake Hannigan. And here is the finished product from my publisher’s fabulous artist.


            I love it! They managed to capture exactly what I saw in my head (and what I wrote down on my Cover Art form). I prefer a ‘clinch’ for my covers…the hero and heroine in an embrace, looking like they’re just about to kiss. The story takes place on a ranch in New Mexico so I love the cacti and flowers (she gardens) as well as the barn and the horses. And I love the colors of the sky! It’s beautiful! Again, my kudos to the artist. I’m so happy with the result! Can’t wait for you all to read The Maverick & Miss Miller!

And on that note, I should get back to work on the next story in this series, The Marshal & Mrs. Morgan!  

Stay well! Stay safe! And remember to spread kindness wherever you go!


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