This blog is for those 18 and older.

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Some Good Stuff


        Hello, gentle readers! Hope you are all well and staying safe!
        Well, let’s see what’s happened over here since I last wrote. A lot of things. Good things!
        First, after forty years, I got rid of cable TV. I know! Forty years…and I can’t tell you how good it feels not to pay that bill (yes, they raised my rates along with the new year so I wasn’t happy about that…I wasn’t surprised by it either). I kept the internet from my provider (and bought myself a new modem, too) and now I have Netflix (which is a good thing and a bad thing). I will admit I’m enjoying that a little too much. Such good shows, so many things I haven’t seen, and you all know by now how much I enjoy watching movies. Just finished watching an excellent series yesterday, but I have to be careful and limit my time because I have other things to do.
        Speaking of those other things, the first draft of The Marshal & Mrs. Morgan is almost done. One more chapter to go (the resolution to the Big Black Moment). Of course, I’ve already written the epilogue (hahahahaha, because that’s the way I roll. I'm also gearing up to start The Madam & Mr. MacLean, the next story in The Matchmaker Mischief series. That's been started already). 
        I have to say I have enjoyed writing this book. I’m amazed at how fast, too! I usually take about a year or more to write a story, but this one? Eight months (without plot points or an outline! I just let it flow)! And that with working full time and taking care of the house and everything else (as you all know, time is a luxury we don’t always have, hence the reason I get up so early in the morning. Those early morning hours are my time and I hold them dear). It still needs to go through critique and beta reads, but I’m so close to finishing, I can taste it. We’re on the downward slope and it feels really good!
        With that said, I should get back to it. 
        Stay well! Stay safe! And remember to spread kindness wherever you go!


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