This blog is for those 18 and older.

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

The Deal by Elle Kennedy

 Highly musical, Hannah is far from reserved as a vocalist during her practice and presentations on campus.  She's in love with music.  Waitressing part-time helps with the bills, but she needs a lot more help with attracting a boyfriend.

Garrett's devotion to being a professional hockey player takes a lot of his time.  He takes his studies seriously also, but Ethics is a never-ending battle.  He needs the grade to stay on the team and advance.  

Hannah excels at philosophy and Garrett needs her for tutoring after an 'F' grade.  They've never hung out together, but Garrett has a plan.  It's a sneaky plan.  If Hannah helps him pass the class, he'll get her a date with her secret crush, Justin.

Sounds simple enough.  The story dives a lot deeper.

In the mix, Hannah and Garrett have a chance to get to know and respect one another.  Again, it's not as easy as it sounds when you add Hannah's insecurity with getting near any man physically and Garrett's overpowering father and their different lifestyles.

Love, friendship, trust, education, bribery, and great hearts collide in one semester.  I know which people and variables I'm rooting for, and I couldn't flip the pages fast enough to find out where the multi-layer drama finishes its maze.  Are hearts broken, mended, or made stronger?  

I vote for stronger hearts!

Happy reading,


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