Well, shame on me….looks like I missed posting! Not sure how that happened. Could it be that I’ve been a little busy? Well, the short answer is yes.
The day job is crazy busy (but really, when isn’t it?) and I’ve been writing. A lot. This is a good thing. I finished The Marshal and Mrs. Morgan (it’s going through critique as I write this) and I’m happy with it. Hope my editor is, too. I’ve started The Madam and Mr. MacLean, the third book in the Matchmaker Mischief series. I’m happy with that, too (so far! I will admit to ripping out the POV switch in the first chapter because it wasn’t quite working, but that’s okay…it’s already better).
I’ve never been a pantster. I’ve always had some kind of outline—plot points that I want to cover--but for both of these books, I’m just flying (no guardrails! Oh my!). It helps that I like my characters and they’ve been talking to me, so this is a good thing.
Of course, it also helps to have a fantastic critique partner and we frequently talk about our stories. I take copious notes so I don’t forget because, you know, the brain isn’t what it used to be.
Neither is the body. I think I’m getting too old to get down on my hands and knees and scrub the floors. I did that yesterday and I tell you, I’m one hurtin’ puppy today! Going up and down the step stool is no picnic either!
Speaking of busy, I should get back to it!
Stay well! Stay safe! And remember to spread kindness wherever you go!
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